36 Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
If you selected “Other professional” for the institutional press’ publishing activities above, please
briefly describe it. N=2
Director, University Press Financial Analyst Copyright Officer
Professional staff: developer, analyst
If you selected “Other staff category” for the institutional press’ publishing activities above, please
briefly describe it. N=1
Support staff and graduate assistants
If you selected “Other professional” for the library press’ publishing activities above, please
briefly describe it. N=7
Editorial professionals
Graphic designer, system administrator, software developer, publishing specialist, director
My official HR role is Senior Software Engineer. I am also, however, a librarian!
Our Espresso Book Machine Coordinator, who is responsible for activities associated with our imprint,
is part of the Administrative Professionals Association and has extensive experience in publishing before
coming to the Libraries. This is a support staff category, but she is still a professional.
Technical lead and a software developer
The LibraryPress@UF is currently hiring for a coordinator. The LibraryPress@UF is also collaborating
with the UF Press on a Mellon Open Book grant, for which several people from the press are included.
This is a time-limited endeavor, and the 1 person hired on the grant funds reports to the press. For the
purposes of sharing information on collaboration, the person is included here.
The majority of the Scholarly Communication and Publishing department staff are non-faculty
academic professionals: ost of them have LIS degrees, but aren’t faculty librarians. Their titles are
Digital Publishing Specialist, Repository Services Coordinator, and Research Programmer for Scholarly
Communication and Publishing.
If you selected “Other staff category” for the library press’ publishing activities above, please
briefly describe it. N=1
Student workers
17. Please indicate how many individuals in each staff category are engaged in the publishing
activities provided by the library. N=48
Staff Category Minimum Maximum Mean Median Std Dev N
Librarian 1 6 2.65 3 1.53 43
Other professional 1 15 3.56 3 2.99 27
Support staff 1 8 2.00 1 1.65 23
Other staff category 1 13 3.50 2 4.04 8
If you selected “Other professional” for the institutional press’ publishing activities above, please
briefly describe it. N=2
Director, University Press Financial Analyst Copyright Officer
Professional staff: developer, analyst
If you selected “Other staff category” for the institutional press’ publishing activities above, please
briefly describe it. N=1
Support staff and graduate assistants
If you selected “Other professional” for the library press’ publishing activities above, please
briefly describe it. N=7
Editorial professionals
Graphic designer, system administrator, software developer, publishing specialist, director
My official HR role is Senior Software Engineer. I am also, however, a librarian!
Our Espresso Book Machine Coordinator, who is responsible for activities associated with our imprint,
is part of the Administrative Professionals Association and has extensive experience in publishing before
coming to the Libraries. This is a support staff category, but she is still a professional.
Technical lead and a software developer
The LibraryPress@UF is currently hiring for a coordinator. The LibraryPress@UF is also collaborating
with the UF Press on a Mellon Open Book grant, for which several people from the press are included.
This is a time-limited endeavor, and the 1 person hired on the grant funds reports to the press. For the
purposes of sharing information on collaboration, the person is included here.
The majority of the Scholarly Communication and Publishing department staff are non-faculty
academic professionals: ost of them have LIS degrees, but aren’t faculty librarians. Their titles are
Digital Publishing Specialist, Repository Services Coordinator, and Research Programmer for Scholarly
Communication and Publishing.
If you selected “Other staff category” for the library press’ publishing activities above, please
briefly describe it. N=1
Student workers
17. Please indicate how many individuals in each staff category are engaged in the publishing
activities provided by the library. N=48
Staff Category Minimum Maximum Mean Median Std Dev N
Librarian 1 6 2.65 3 1.53 43
Other professional 1 15 3.56 3 2.99 27
Support staff 1 8 2.00 1 1.65 23
Other staff category 1 13 3.50 2 4.04 8