64 Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
What do, or can, e-resource usage statistics tell us about user satisfaction?
It is difficult to accurately connect cost data with usage data, especially with journals available on
multiple platforms (or where the publisher has changed platforms over time) and connecting this with
overlap analysis.
How can we derive meaningful comparisons from disparate usage data: COUNTER vs. non-standard,
e-book vs. print circulation.
50. Have library staff received formal training in collection assessment or evaluation? N=65
Yes 28 43%
No 37 57%
Yes N=12
ALCTS Fundamentals of Collection Assessment online course
ALCTS professional development online course and several webinars
All librarians with collections responsibilities have received training in using GreenGlass.
Library staff have participated in technology trainings as well as a data science short course.
Mentoring, webinars and seminars, workshops—locally and at conferences
More training would be useful.
One staff member has received formal training in assessment, although not specifically for
collection assessment.
Really: Yes and No. Our selector training and continuing education covers aspects of collection
assessment, but we do not offer systematic or stand-alone training in collection assessment.
Training for specific tools and/or project based
Two librarians on the assessment committee have completed the ALCTS Fundamentals of Collections
Assessment course.
Yes some people have received training, nothing very recent.
No N=8
Certain individuals have expertise but there has been no over-arching effort to train personnel.
Informal training has included vendor-provided training, webinars, and conference sessions,
Library staff generally have not received formal training. The Collection Assessment Librarian has
received some formal training.
Most learned on the job.
Planning for this is underway.
Some individuals have received specialized training, as required for their work.
Some staff have been trained or have sought out training, others have learned in-house.
We are planning for this.
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