44 Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
40. For each collection assessment or evaluation method listed below, please either select how
frequently your library has used it over the last ten years, or indicate that your library plans to use
it, or has never used it. Please make one selection per row. N=66
Quantitative, collections-based N=66
Method Once Annually Another
Plan to
Collections budget analysis 1 40 21 2 1 65
Collection size by subject and/or format 6 24 24 7 3 64
Collection growth 1 38 17 4 4 64
Collection currency and age 7 11 23 7 15 63
Total Respondents 10 53 39 14 18 66
If you selected “Another interval” above, please specify the method and the interval. N=41
Again, the interval depends on the level of evaluation. Our annual reports track size and growth of the
collection our annual budgeting process scrutinizes expenditures. But there are aspects of each of
these that are ongoing processes.
Analysis for weeding
Another interval: 5 years Budget: constantly
As dictated by space needs
As needed (6 responses)
As needed to answer questions. We did a broad-based review of collection size and allocation by subject
once in the past ten years.
As needed, some not usually as frequent as annually, some more than annually
At least quarterly if not monthly
Budget analysis is conducted throughout the year, plus additionally as needed.
Collection assessments and evaluations are an integrated part of the Libraries’ collection management
process. As such, assessments and evaluations are performed on a continuous basis using
various methods.
Collection currency and age: criteria used by reference/subject librarians according to their own
weeding schedule. Collection growth: we used this method in 2006, 2011, and 2012.
Collection growth reports were introduced when I started in 2014. Prior to this no collection growth
reports were developed or generated.
Collection size and growth studies have been conducted twice in the last 10 years.
Collection size by subject and/or format: semi-annually Collection budget analysis: monthly and
quarterly the others are ad hoc.
Collections budget analysis: weekly, Excel spreadsheets
Collections budget analysis: monthly collection growth: as needed
Collections budget analysis: every three years
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