55 SPEC Kit 352: Collection Assessment
I would love a tool that would scrape the citations from our faculty’s and researcher’s publications
(including monographic publications) and compare these against our holdings.
It would be useful to be able to more easily compare holdings, usage, new acquisitions, and collections
expenditures among library consortium partners, with ability to look at facets such as language
of publication.
Open source data visualization tools
Probably, I just don’t know what it might be at this time. But I’m always looking for new tools to make
some of this analysis easier.
Take proxy data &parse by user group, evaluate collections through administrative partners—
sponsored programs, student support services, spin-off research companies, patents, allow direct
correlations to student/researcher success
Tool that could help analyze e-resource content by subject.
Upload and compare two lists to identify overlap with library holdings.
We would like to build a web-based dashboard to give collection development staff and others real-time
interactive access to data about our collections and their use.
44. To whom and how are the results of collection assessments disseminated? Check all that apply.
Constituent Library
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Library administration 13 44 3 55 46 63
Manager of collections/
department head collection
10 43 2 53 43 63
Subject specialist librarian 7 42 3 49 37 62
Library staff 12 45 2 37 35 59
College dean, vice-
president, or president of
the college/university
9 2 1 37 43 51
Department or faculty
that initially requested the
7 10 2 39 27 50
Faculty governance
committee for the library
4 5 0 33 42 45
General public 30 1 2 9 5 34
Other constituent 1 0 0 4 4 5
Total Respondents 32 51 5 60 60 65
If you answered “Other constituent” above, please specify the constituent category and the
method of dissemination. N=5
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