156 Representative Documents: Sharing Collection Data
Serials Review Checklist
March 16, 2016 (to collections library groups)
Dear Collections Colleagues,
CFRRSC has completed its analysis of the entire Springer 2016 E-book package, and has recommended to
IRSC that Western Libraries purchase selected subject collections, rather than the entire package. Selected
titles from Springer 2016 e-books subject collections can be acquired through immediate purchase or DDA
access for the remainder of 2016.
IRSC has accepted CFRRSC’s recommendations. The following points outline the rationale for individual
subject collection purchases and/or DDA access:
• The 'Engineering' subject collection will be purchased at a cost of $28,184 CDN. Engineering
faculty and students rely heavily on Springer e-books, as indicated by 4965 uses in 2014 for titles
published that year. The cost per use was $5.69.
• The 'Computer Science' subject collection will be purchased at a cost of $24,649 CDN. One series
in this collection, 'Lecture Notes in Computer Science,' received over 5000 uses for 2015
publications. Unfortunately, this series cannot be purchased separately through Springer or Coutts
as an e-book or DDA title. With such high usage, purchasing print copies would be unsatisfactory
for users and prohibitively expensive.
• 'Biomedical and Life Sciences', 'Medicine', and the 6 other collections under Taylor were identified
by subject librarians as low priority for these disciplines and will not be re-purchased or added to
DDA. Librarians will have the option to purchase new e-book titles on request that do not belong to
series, reference work, or text book collections.
• The e-books in 'Behavioral Science', 'Business &Economics', and 'Humanities, Social Science, and
Law' will be made available through DDA. Again, librarians will be able to purchase new e-book
titles on request that do not belong to series, reference work, or textbook collections, although print
may be available.
The decision not to purchase the full Springer 2016 E-book collection will result in initial savings of $150,000
in our central serials budget. The cost to purchase 'Engineering' and 'Computer Science' collections is
$52,833.45 the net savings to serials will be approximately $100,000. Going forward, individual title
purchases for Springer 2016 E-book titles will be paid through DDA or subject monograph funds.
Please forward any questions or concerns to cfrrsc@uwo.ca
Courtney (on behalf of CFRRSC)
March 3, 2016 (to IRSC)
Hi IRSC Colleagues,
After additional consultations with Taylor librarians, and taking into account Springer’s reluctance to offer
their major series, textbooks and reference works as purchasable, individual e-books, CFRRSC proposes
the following changes to the buy-back recommendation. Please note that CFRRSC's overall
recommendation to not purchase the Springer eBook package has not changed.
• The ‘Engineering’ subject collection will be purchased at a cost of $28,184. Engineering faculty and
students rely on Springer eBooks, as indicated by 4956 uses in 2014 for titles published that year
with a cost/use of $5.69
• The ‘Computer Science’ subject collection will be purchased at a cost of $24,649. One series in this
collection, ‘Lecture Notes in Computer Science,’ received over 5000 uses for 2015 publications.
Unfortunately, this series cannot be purchased separately through Springer or Coutts as an eBook
or DDA title. With such high usage, purchasing print copies will be unsatisfactory for users and
prohibitively expensive
• ‘BioMedical and Life Sciences’, ‘Medicine’, and the other 6 collections under Taylor will not be
purchased nor added to DDA. These collections were deemed not a priority for these disciplines.
Instead, librarians will purchase new titles by request. Librarians will not be able to individually
select e-books belonging to series, reference work or textbook collections.
• Taylor librarians do not anticipate a significant number of requests because most faculty are
journal-focused and they will continue to have access to titles from previous years through
perpetual access
• The eBooks in ‘Behavioural Science’, ‘Business &Economics’, and ‘Humanities, Social Sciences
and Law’ will be made available through DDA. Again, librarians will not be able to individually
Serials Review Checklist
March 16, 2016 (to collections library groups)
Dear Collections Colleagues,
CFRRSC has completed its analysis of the entire Springer 2016 E-book package, and has recommended to
IRSC that Western Libraries purchase selected subject collections, rather than the entire package. Selected
titles from Springer 2016 e-books subject collections can be acquired through immediate purchase or DDA
access for the remainder of 2016.
IRSC has accepted CFRRSC’s recommendations. The following points outline the rationale for individual
subject collection purchases and/or DDA access:
• The 'Engineering' subject collection will be purchased at a cost of $28,184 CDN. Engineering
faculty and students rely heavily on Springer e-books, as indicated by 4965 uses in 2014 for titles
published that year. The cost per use was $5.69.
• The 'Computer Science' subject collection will be purchased at a cost of $24,649 CDN. One series
in this collection, 'Lecture Notes in Computer Science,' received over 5000 uses for 2015
publications. Unfortunately, this series cannot be purchased separately through Springer or Coutts
as an e-book or DDA title. With such high usage, purchasing print copies would be unsatisfactory
for users and prohibitively expensive.
• 'Biomedical and Life Sciences', 'Medicine', and the 6 other collections under Taylor were identified
by subject librarians as low priority for these disciplines and will not be re-purchased or added to
DDA. Librarians will have the option to purchase new e-book titles on request that do not belong to
series, reference work, or text book collections.
• The e-books in 'Behavioral Science', 'Business &Economics', and 'Humanities, Social Science, and
Law' will be made available through DDA. Again, librarians will be able to purchase new e-book
titles on request that do not belong to series, reference work, or textbook collections, although print
may be available.
The decision not to purchase the full Springer 2016 E-book collection will result in initial savings of $150,000
in our central serials budget. The cost to purchase 'Engineering' and 'Computer Science' collections is
$52,833.45 the net savings to serials will be approximately $100,000. Going forward, individual title
purchases for Springer 2016 E-book titles will be paid through DDA or subject monograph funds.
Please forward any questions or concerns to cfrrsc@uwo.ca
Courtney (on behalf of CFRRSC)
March 3, 2016 (to IRSC)
Hi IRSC Colleagues,
After additional consultations with Taylor librarians, and taking into account Springer’s reluctance to offer
their major series, textbooks and reference works as purchasable, individual e-books, CFRRSC proposes
the following changes to the buy-back recommendation. Please note that CFRRSC's overall
recommendation to not purchase the Springer eBook package has not changed.
• The ‘Engineering’ subject collection will be purchased at a cost of $28,184. Engineering faculty and
students rely on Springer eBooks, as indicated by 4956 uses in 2014 for titles published that year
with a cost/use of $5.69
• The ‘Computer Science’ subject collection will be purchased at a cost of $24,649. One series in this
collection, ‘Lecture Notes in Computer Science,’ received over 5000 uses for 2015 publications.
Unfortunately, this series cannot be purchased separately through Springer or Coutts as an eBook
or DDA title. With such high usage, purchasing print copies will be unsatisfactory for users and
prohibitively expensive
• ‘BioMedical and Life Sciences’, ‘Medicine’, and the other 6 collections under Taylor will not be
purchased nor added to DDA. These collections were deemed not a priority for these disciplines.
Instead, librarians will purchase new titles by request. Librarians will not be able to individually
select e-books belonging to series, reference work or textbook collections.
• Taylor librarians do not anticipate a significant number of requests because most faculty are
journal-focused and they will continue to have access to titles from previous years through
perpetual access
• The eBooks in ‘Behavioural Science’, ‘Business &Economics’, and ‘Humanities, Social Sciences
and Law’ will be made available through DDA. Again, librarians will not be able to individually