153 SPEC Kit 352: Collection Assessment
CFRRSC Communication Process
CFRRSC Communication Process
1. Semi-Annual Update to Librarians and Collection Groups
CFRRSC will provide a semi-annual update to collection groups and affiliated university college
libraries to communicate packages and products planned for renewal and review.
Packages and products will be selected for review based on preliminary assessment that may
include pricing or usage stats.
Librarians may provide feedback to CFRRSC regarding the packages selected and will need to
provide justification for any package they feel should be retained without further evaluation.
Faculty consultation is not required at this point.
2. Communication to Affected Librarians and Collection Groups with Request for Faculty Feedback
CFRRSC will communicate the results of a package or product analysis to the appropriate
librarian(s), affiliated university college libraries, and collection groups, including the anticipated
recommendation for the package and, if applicable, a list of recommended buy-back items and
expected cancellations.
Affected librarians and collection groups will be asked to communicate with faculty about the
impending cancellation in order to receive feedback on the impact of lost or diminished content,
address concerns, and confirm or adjust CFRRSC’s list of buy-back items.
Consultations with faculty will need to be completed within a specific timeframe in order to
inform CFRRSC’s final recommendation and IRSC’s decision for approval before the renewal
Librarians and collection groups will be asked to provide the faculty responses to CFRRSC to be
considered and brought forward as part of the final CFRRSC recommendation to IRSC.
3. Final Communication
If IRSC approves the cancellation, CFRRSC will communicate the final decision to all collections
librarians and affiliated university college libraries. Librarians will then be responsible for
communicating with faculty as appropriate.
If IRSC does not approve the cancellation, CFRRSC will communicate this decision to the
appropriate librarians, affiliated university college libraries and collection groups, and encourage
them to inform their faculty of this change in decision.
CFRRSC will upload final analysis (including lists of cancelled and buy-back titles, along with
pricing, and primary and secondary justifications) and criteria checklist documentation to the
CFRRSC K drive folder.
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