124 Representative Documents: Policies and Procedures
GreenGlass Annotated Spreadsheet for Chemical Engineering
Size of collection: items %of total
a. Carlson Stacks 2,367 61%
b. Carlson oversize 1 0.03%
c. Carlson Reference 156 4%
d. All Annex locations 1,350 35%
Total 3,874 100%
Age of collection:
a. Published 2010-2014 (most recent 5 years) 139 4%
b. Published 2005-2014 (most recent 10 years) 331 9%
c. Published 2000-2014 (most recent 15 years) 543 14%
d. Published 1950-1999 2,743 71%
e. Published 1900-1949 516 13%
f. Published before 1924 all locations (in public domain) 189 5%
g. Average no. of titles added per calendar year (2010-2014) 28 1%
Compared to other libraries: Please fill out the calculations listed below and
add any others that interest you.
a. In HathiTrust Public Domain 449 12%
b. In HathiTrust in copyright 1,975 51%
c. At the Center for Research Libraries (CRL) (any edition) 2,944 76%
d. Held by 100 or more US libraries (any edition) 2,866 74%
e. Held by 25 or less US libraries (any edition) 217 6%
f. Held by 5 or less US libraries (any edition) 35 1%
g. Unique in the Rochester area (any edition) 2,649 68%
h. Published before 1924 and not in HathiTrust 34 1%
Overall Circulation
a. Total items 2,367 100%
b. Items with no recorded uses since initial Voyager load in 1997 2,270 96%
c. Added between 2000 and 2005 297 100%
d. Added between 2000 and 2005 with no recorded uses 48 16%
e. Added between 2005 and 2010 228 100%
f. Added between 2005 and 2010 with no recorded uses 67 29%
g. Added after between 2010 and 2014 710 100%
h. Added after between 2010 and 2014 with no recorded uses 244 34%
Expenditures on books and subscriptions (3 year average FY 12 through FY 14)
a. total allocation/expenditures $79,789 100%
b. book expenditures (firm orders only) $5,331 7%
c. subscription expenditures $74,458 93%
d. Number of active subscriptions in FY14 35
e. Cost of DDA titles triggered (April 2014 through May 2015) $0 0
f. Number of DDA titles triggered 0
Key specialized licensed databases and online resources
Chemical Engineering
LC Class analysed: TP
Locations Analysed: CarlsonStacks, CarlsonOversize, Carlson Reference,All Annex/Offsite locations
Stake holder departments/programs: Chemical Engineering
IEEE Xplore, Web of Science, ACM digital library, Comepndex
Most of the funds go to the online subscriptions. Carlson holds a large number of old Chem Engin publications
with low usage. We can think about weeding the old materials.
DATA FROM GREENGLASS (print books only):
GreenGlass Annotated Spreadsheet for Chemical Engineering
Size of collection: items %of total
a. Carlson Stacks 2,367 61%
b. Carlson oversize 1 0.03%
c. Carlson Reference 156 4%
d. All Annex locations 1,350 35%
Total 3,874 100%
Age of collection:
a. Published 2010-2014 (most recent 5 years) 139 4%
b. Published 2005-2014 (most recent 10 years) 331 9%
c. Published 2000-2014 (most recent 15 years) 543 14%
d. Published 1950-1999 2,743 71%
e. Published 1900-1949 516 13%
f. Published before 1924 all locations (in public domain) 189 5%
g. Average no. of titles added per calendar year (2010-2014) 28 1%
Compared to other libraries: Please fill out the calculations listed below and
add any others that interest you.
a. In HathiTrust Public Domain 449 12%
b. In HathiTrust in copyright 1,975 51%
c. At the Center for Research Libraries (CRL) (any edition) 2,944 76%
d. Held by 100 or more US libraries (any edition) 2,866 74%
e. Held by 25 or less US libraries (any edition) 217 6%
f. Held by 5 or less US libraries (any edition) 35 1%
g. Unique in the Rochester area (any edition) 2,649 68%
h. Published before 1924 and not in HathiTrust 34 1%
Overall Circulation
a. Total items 2,367 100%
b. Items with no recorded uses since initial Voyager load in 1997 2,270 96%
c. Added between 2000 and 2005 297 100%
d. Added between 2000 and 2005 with no recorded uses 48 16%
e. Added between 2005 and 2010 228 100%
f. Added between 2005 and 2010 with no recorded uses 67 29%
g. Added after between 2010 and 2014 710 100%
h. Added after between 2010 and 2014 with no recorded uses 244 34%
Expenditures on books and subscriptions (3 year average FY 12 through FY 14)
a. total allocation/expenditures $79,789 100%
b. book expenditures (firm orders only) $5,331 7%
c. subscription expenditures $74,458 93%
d. Number of active subscriptions in FY14 35
e. Cost of DDA titles triggered (April 2014 through May 2015) $0 0
f. Number of DDA titles triggered 0
Key specialized licensed databases and online resources
Chemical Engineering
LC Class analysed: TP
Locations Analysed: CarlsonStacks, CarlsonOversize, Carlson Reference,All Annex/Offsite locations
Stake holder departments/programs: Chemical Engineering
IEEE Xplore, Web of Science, ACM digital library, Comepndex
Most of the funds go to the online subscriptions. Carlson holds a large number of old Chem Engin publications
with low usage. We can think about weeding the old materials.
DATA FROM GREENGLASS (print books only):