33 SPEC Kit 352: Collection Assessment
As needed
Cross-Area Assessment team meets monthly. Collection Management unit meets as needed.
Currently we meet weekly.
Monthly (3 responses)
No formal schedule or time
Varies, most monthly
31. About how many hours do the committee/group members spend on data analysis each year? N=12
16–20 hours per quarter
200 hours
30 hours: formal meetings. 60 hours: informal meetings, 60 hours: follow-up and office work
Approximately 140 hours
Associate Dean for Collections reviews budget information weekly. Subject liaisons review data as
needed for projects.
It depends on the nature and scope of the project[s].
Not tracked
Over 100 hours if combining all the members’ time
We are beginning a new process. At this point we are unable to give definite numbers.
32. Please indicate which staff positions are members of the committee/group. Check all that apply.
Subject/reference librarian 11 85%
Coordinator/manager/department head for collection development 10 77%
Collection development librarian 6 46%
Administrator with collection assessment duties 6 46%
Support staff 6 46%
Acquisitions librarian 5 39%
Collection assessment librarian 5 39%
Cataloging/technical services librarian 4 31%
Coordinator/manager/department head for acquisitions 4 31%
Special collections librarian 4 31%
Serials librarian 2 15%
Other staff category 6 46%
Please specify the other staff category. N=6
Access services, Facilities, IT, IR, Scholarly communication
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