30 Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
25. Please briefly describe the other organizational structure for data collection. N=15
Ad hoc basis driven by needs of the Libraries (e.g., strategic use of space) involves subject specialists,
collections, and technical services and institutional overviews.
Assessment, Collections, Access Services, Acquisitions, subject librarians, Budget and Cost
Management for main campus plus health sciences plus law plus branch campuses
Collections-related data is collected in coordination with several departments including Collection
Management, Planning and Research, Acquisitions and Discovery, Information Technology, Research
and Information Services, Digital Library Initiatives, and Special Collections. Data is collected in both
an ongoing/formal manner as well as in an ad hoc manner.
Data collection is spread among several individuals, a committee/group, and department heads.
Data is collected by the Head of Collection Development working with a library Data Analytics
Specialist, the ILS Coordinator, Head of Acquisitions, and Stacks Supervisor. Additional data may be
collected by other teams that include librarians with collections responsibilities and other staff on a
project basis.
Data is collected by the liaison librarians for disciplines where program reviews take place and do not
necessarily report to one department, although they are all public services librarians. There is usually
support staff who work with the liaison librarians on collecting the data.
Distributed among Assessment Librarian, Collection Development, Access Services, Technical Services
(Acquisitions and E-Resources) and Library Business Office.
ILS, Collections, and Library IT all play a role in data collection. ILS collects data through our ILS
(SirsiDynix). Library IT collects data through EZproxy and other routes. Collections collects, curates,
analyzes, and disseminates data in a variety of ways. Collections uses Intota Assessment for COUNTER
and SUSHI reports. To a lesser extent (in terms of volume), other data collection systems include: Aeon
in Special Collections CONTENTdm in Digital Library LibAnalytics in Reference, Instruction, and
Public Services. The Programs and Planning department collects data unrelated to collections.
Multiple individuals in multiple departments gather data. This includes staff from acquisitions,
cataloging, technology services, and members of certain committees.
Multiple staff from multiple departments, not necessarily as a group
Staff in various departments collect data on the resources that they manage, and our assessment
librarian also collects some collection data.
The Libraries’ Assessment office gathers data from individuals and systems in different library
departments including Cataloging, Systems, Research Collections, and Interlibrary Services in
response to requests from external agencies and internal users. Individual departments may collect and
analyze data for their own administrative purposes.
Various individuals in various libraries and departments collect data about collections. This include
Collection Development, Assessment, Access Services, E-resources, IT, and Collection Management.
We have 1 FTE staff position dedicated to data collection and one librarian position in systems that
creates query forms and reports for data collecting as needed (this is only a small part of this position’s
responsibilities). Most of the requests for data collection come from the collection development or
reference departments. Librarians in these departments also sometimes gather data for themselves in
addition to requesting it from dedicated staff.
25. Please briefly describe the other organizational structure for data collection. N=15
Ad hoc basis driven by needs of the Libraries (e.g., strategic use of space) involves subject specialists,
collections, and technical services and institutional overviews.
Assessment, Collections, Access Services, Acquisitions, subject librarians, Budget and Cost
Management for main campus plus health sciences plus law plus branch campuses
Collections-related data is collected in coordination with several departments including Collection
Management, Planning and Research, Acquisitions and Discovery, Information Technology, Research
and Information Services, Digital Library Initiatives, and Special Collections. Data is collected in both
an ongoing/formal manner as well as in an ad hoc manner.
Data collection is spread among several individuals, a committee/group, and department heads.
Data is collected by the Head of Collection Development working with a library Data Analytics
Specialist, the ILS Coordinator, Head of Acquisitions, and Stacks Supervisor. Additional data may be
collected by other teams that include librarians with collections responsibilities and other staff on a
project basis.
Data is collected by the liaison librarians for disciplines where program reviews take place and do not
necessarily report to one department, although they are all public services librarians. There is usually
support staff who work with the liaison librarians on collecting the data.
Distributed among Assessment Librarian, Collection Development, Access Services, Technical Services
(Acquisitions and E-Resources) and Library Business Office.
ILS, Collections, and Library IT all play a role in data collection. ILS collects data through our ILS
(SirsiDynix). Library IT collects data through EZproxy and other routes. Collections collects, curates,
analyzes, and disseminates data in a variety of ways. Collections uses Intota Assessment for COUNTER
and SUSHI reports. To a lesser extent (in terms of volume), other data collection systems include: Aeon
in Special Collections CONTENTdm in Digital Library LibAnalytics in Reference, Instruction, and
Public Services. The Programs and Planning department collects data unrelated to collections.
Multiple individuals in multiple departments gather data. This includes staff from acquisitions,
cataloging, technology services, and members of certain committees.
Multiple staff from multiple departments, not necessarily as a group
Staff in various departments collect data on the resources that they manage, and our assessment
librarian also collects some collection data.
The Libraries’ Assessment office gathers data from individuals and systems in different library
departments including Cataloging, Systems, Research Collections, and Interlibrary Services in
response to requests from external agencies and internal users. Individual departments may collect and
analyze data for their own administrative purposes.
Various individuals in various libraries and departments collect data about collections. This include
Collection Development, Assessment, Access Services, E-resources, IT, and Collection Management.
We have 1 FTE staff position dedicated to data collection and one librarian position in systems that
creates query forms and reports for data collecting as needed (this is only a small part of this position’s
responsibilities). Most of the requests for data collection come from the collection development or
reference departments. Librarians in these departments also sometimes gather data for themselves in
addition to requesting it from dedicated staff.