28 Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Comment N=1
The Collections Management team is responsible for collecting and assessing data specific to
developing &managing the collections. There is a small time commitment for assessment and we are
working on developing a more comprehensive approach.
22. How often does the committee/group meet each year? N=17
12 times
About 12 times
About 20 times
Ad hoc
Cross-Area Assessment Team meets monthly. Collections Management unit meets as needed.
Group is not yet formalized.
Monthly/as needed
No formal meeting times
Ongoing. Respond to individual requests, complete reporting to internal and external organization
and others.
Our collection assessment is not done by a formal committee, rather is done through the workflow of
multiple positions in different departments.
Project-dependent. There is currently a Data Dashboard group that meets weekly.
Various subgroups meet on different bases, CMC (which includes members of Collection Development,
Resource Management, Acquisitions, and Discovery) meets monthly. Other groups may meet more or
less infrequently and formally.
We do have a Collections Committee (7 staff members) that meet on a monthly basis. This group is
responsible for reviewing policies/procedures for the library system. If a large-scale assessment project
for the library system were to be undertaken, this committee would be the first staff involved and likely
oversee the project. Membership on the committee rotates each year. Members serve two-year terms.
We don’t necessarily meet since we have a process in place. Each person contributes to the
overall project.
We meet weekly.
23. About how many hours do the committee/group members spend on data collection each year?
100 hours
16 to 20 hours per quarter
About 1,000
Comment N=1
The Collections Management team is responsible for collecting and assessing data specific to
developing &managing the collections. There is a small time commitment for assessment and we are
working on developing a more comprehensive approach.
22. How often does the committee/group meet each year? N=17
12 times
About 12 times
About 20 times
Ad hoc
Cross-Area Assessment Team meets monthly. Collections Management unit meets as needed.
Group is not yet formalized.
Monthly/as needed
No formal meeting times
Ongoing. Respond to individual requests, complete reporting to internal and external organization
and others.
Our collection assessment is not done by a formal committee, rather is done through the workflow of
multiple positions in different departments.
Project-dependent. There is currently a Data Dashboard group that meets weekly.
Various subgroups meet on different bases, CMC (which includes members of Collection Development,
Resource Management, Acquisitions, and Discovery) meets monthly. Other groups may meet more or
less infrequently and formally.
We do have a Collections Committee (7 staff members) that meet on a monthly basis. This group is
responsible for reviewing policies/procedures for the library system. If a large-scale assessment project
for the library system were to be undertaken, this committee would be the first staff involved and likely
oversee the project. Membership on the committee rotates each year. Members serve two-year terms.
We don’t necessarily meet since we have a process in place. Each person contributes to the
overall project.
We meet weekly.
23. About how many hours do the committee/group members spend on data collection each year?
100 hours
16 to 20 hours per quarter
About 1,000