57 SPEC Kit 352: Collection Assessment
If you selected “other situation” above, please briefly describe the situation. N=2
[Unprepared/raw data is] available to a limited few.
The data is made available in both forms for library staff. For faculties and such it would more likely be
the summary data, unless a researcher or special request was made to obtain the data.
Additional comments N=2
Data is accessible directly to library staff, but is not “easily” accessible. You have to know how to use the
software to query the data warehouse. Data related to formal presentations and reports have the source
data documented and it is available on request.
We want to make all data open and available for whoever wants to see it.
47. Please indicate the types of changes that have been a result of assessment of the library’s
collections. Check all that apply. N=64
Increased understanding of the scope and breadth of collections by subject and/or collection
management librarians
55 86%
Modifications to collection development priorities or policies 50 78%
Additional funding targeted to enhance or build a collection 40 63%
Collaboration with subject librarians and academic faculty for enhancing collections 38 59%
Increased understanding of the scope and breadth of collections by faculty and/or campus
37 58%
Increased funding for the overall library’s collection 25 39%
Development, modification, or elimination of subject-based funding algorithms or formulas 18 28%
Other change 8 13%
Please briefly describe the other change. N=8
Assist decision-making around the transfer of library materials to off-site storage.
Better partnership with consortia better package deals purchased
Cancellation decisions due to reduced purchasing power as a result of an unfavourable currency
exchange rate.
Deselection and cancellation decisions
Deselection, relocation of materials changes in choice of format to purchase (print or electronic)
adjustments to approval plans
Shift in format from print to electronic
Unable to say at the present time.
Weeding or other transfer of physical holdings to remote storage.
48. Please briefly describe any other ways assessment has been used to sustain and grow your
library’s collections. N=14
Assessment has primarily been used to facilitate the cancellation of resources.
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