68 Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
54. Using a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 =Not at All and 5 =Very Well, please indicate how well each of the
following statements reflects the collection evaluation and assessment climate at your library. Please
make one selection per row. N=66
Climate 1
Not at All
2 3 4 5
Very Well
Quantitative collections data is the primary means of
collection assessment.
0 6 19 29 12 66
Results of collection evaluations are used to make
collection development decisions.
1 6 20 21 18 66
Use of collection evaluations has increased in the
last 5 years.
4 2 6 21 33 66
The data needed for effective collection assessment
is difficult to access or gather.
0 2 29 19 16 66
Stakeholders outside of the library (e.g., faculty,
department administration, campus administration)
are interested in the results of collection evaluations.
5 16 27 14 4 66
Internal stakeholders (library administration, subject
librarians, etc.) are interested in the results of the
collection evaluation.
0 1 10 27 28 66
Library administration supports collection
1 0 5 11 49 66
Total Respondents 10 24 60 57 59 66
55. Using a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 =Not at All and 5 =Very Well, please indicate how well each of the
following statements reflects the attitude toward collection evaluation and assessment in general at
your library. Please make one selection per row. N=66
Attitude 1
Not at All
2 3 4 5
Very Well
Collection evaluations should be used to adjust
allocations of funding for collections.
2 12 17 22 13 66
Collection evaluations are difficult to interpret,
understand, or apply.
7 17 19 20 3 66
Quantitative data is more important than qualitative
data for effective collection evaluations.
8 9 37 12 0 66
Libraries should share collection analyses and data
with others in the field.
2 4 17 23 20 66
Collection evaluation should be a centralized
2 9 24 19 11 65
Collection assessment is supported by the
theoretical foundations of collection development.
3 6 23 18 15 65
Total Respondents 18 41 62 53 35 66
56. What is the most successful part of the collection assessment process (regardless of how formal or
informal) that is used at your library? N=48
A few core staff are interested in doing it and do it well.
54. Using a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 =Not at All and 5 =Very Well, please indicate how well each of the
following statements reflects the collection evaluation and assessment climate at your library. Please
make one selection per row. N=66
Climate 1
Not at All
2 3 4 5
Very Well
Quantitative collections data is the primary means of
collection assessment.
0 6 19 29 12 66
Results of collection evaluations are used to make
collection development decisions.
1 6 20 21 18 66
Use of collection evaluations has increased in the
last 5 years.
4 2 6 21 33 66
The data needed for effective collection assessment
is difficult to access or gather.
0 2 29 19 16 66
Stakeholders outside of the library (e.g., faculty,
department administration, campus administration)
are interested in the results of collection evaluations.
5 16 27 14 4 66
Internal stakeholders (library administration, subject
librarians, etc.) are interested in the results of the
collection evaluation.
0 1 10 27 28 66
Library administration supports collection
1 0 5 11 49 66
Total Respondents 10 24 60 57 59 66
55. Using a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 =Not at All and 5 =Very Well, please indicate how well each of the
following statements reflects the attitude toward collection evaluation and assessment in general at
your library. Please make one selection per row. N=66
Attitude 1
Not at All
2 3 4 5
Very Well
Collection evaluations should be used to adjust
allocations of funding for collections.
2 12 17 22 13 66
Collection evaluations are difficult to interpret,
understand, or apply.
7 17 19 20 3 66
Quantitative data is more important than qualitative
data for effective collection evaluations.
8 9 37 12 0 66
Libraries should share collection analyses and data
with others in the field.
2 4 17 23 20 66
Collection evaluation should be a centralized
2 9 24 19 11 65
Collection assessment is supported by the
theoretical foundations of collection development.
3 6 23 18 15 65
Total Respondents 18 41 62 53 35 66
56. What is the most successful part of the collection assessment process (regardless of how formal or
informal) that is used at your library? N=48
A few core staff are interested in doing it and do it well.