51 SPEC Kit 352: Collection Assessment
In all cases this varies from annually to as requested, often in connection with collection
management projects.
In-house survey similar to LibQUAL+ has been expanded to include questions about collections and is
conducted every three years.
Input from faculty/staff and librarians is solicited in serials review process, which will become an
annual exercise in FY17. Faculty, staff, and students are constantly providing suggestions for the
collection via an online form on the library website.
Input from faculty/staff/researchers/students used to be collected annually by way of a survey (and
supplemented by focus groups and/or interviews), but this survey is on hold at the moment.
Input is gathered approximately every three years in our LibQUAL+ survey.
Input whenever needed or received from library patrons
Involved faculty in weeding and purchasing decisions. Recommend-A-Book and LEAP requests
both used.
Irregularly and not systematically
LibQUAL+ every three years
Many of these processes occur on an ad hoc/as needed basis.
Mapping the collection to courses and research centers: to align with the university’s strategic research
directions. Input from faculty/staff/researchers Input from librarian: upon request
Occasionally by reference staff
On demand feedback received via e-mail or request forms
Ongoing, as needed
Qualitative input about collections is formally solicited from faculty/staff/researchers and students via
LibQUAL+, but we also receive and consider informal input from these groups throughout the year. We
receive qualitative input about the collections from librarians frequently.
Subject liaison librarians are directly involved in collection development. Input from faculty, staff,
and students is encouraged and aids in decision-making throughout the Libraries. The Libraries have
formal faculty/staff and student advisory groups for this purpose.
These are continuous.
This is primarily carried out by our selectors.
Varies, as needed
We actively listen to faculty and students.
We gather input from patrons on an ongoing basis.
We survey students every 2–3 years to get their input. We gather input from faculty in a variety of ways,
from liaison contact to a survey every 2–3 years. Liaisons/selectors review syllabi every semester, and
continuously offer input.
Where selected, “another interval” should be read as “as and when required.”
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