SPEC Kit 311: Public Access Policies · 57
Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3
What are my journal’s policies relative
to the NIH mandate? Searched
publisher’s Web site, SHERPA/ROMEO,
the NIH PAP FAQ, and PMC’s resources.
What are the policies for finding and
citing the PMC ID when a publisher
deposits for the author? Searched NIH
Additional Comments
29. Please enter any additional information about the library’s experiences with helping authors
comply with PAPs that may assist the authors in accurately analyzing the results of this survey.
Selected Comments from Respondents
Having their own copyright attorney in the Dean’s office has helped address all the PAP issues.
Health sciences librarians have excellent access to policy enforcers at the National Library of Medicine and the
National Institutes of Health. We can use these contacts to clarify compliance points, and to report problems the
investigator community is having complying with the NIH Public Access mandate.
I serve on a university-level group that establishes policies and publicity to faculty. This is a type of support, but also
not directly to authors.
If a library wishes to help its faculty authors comply with the NIH Public Access Policy, it is easy to act in their behalf
if you set up your institution as a publisher with NIHMS. This permits easy bulk deposits, and it is not hard to sign up
with NIHMS as a publisher.
It is very early in the process, so we have not had many opportunities to assess the effectiveness of current policies
and services.
So far, York Libraries’ has been general approach of raising awareness and promotion more than anything. To ID
the authors we still have some difficulties. At the moment no coordinator has been specifically assigned to these
activities. The funding of author fees will be diversified to include more publishers as we become aware of those
that would be a good candidate for support or receive specific requests, for example we’re looking at PLoS and
Bioline. However, this will mean spreading the current resources more thinly. As we start to promote this service
more widely and demand grows the expectation is that it will be necessary to put a policy in place.
The Libraries took the lead in speaking to general counsel and the Office Of Sponsored Programs and than took a
step back from the process. After talking to the faculty, the Libraries assumed a coordinating and advisory role on an
ad-hoc basis with individual authors. We will continue to maintain a Libguide on the NIH process and will continue
to monitor any changes to the NIH submission process.
The library and the Office of the Provost co-chair a university-wide Scholarly Communication Committee that
discusses issues related to PAP compliance. The library and Office of Research jointly fund the Open Publishing
Support Fund. The Faculty Senate Library Committee and Research Council are interested in the issues. Because we
Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3
What are my journal’s policies relative
to the NIH mandate? Searched
publisher’s Web site, SHERPA/ROMEO,
the NIH PAP FAQ, and PMC’s resources.
What are the policies for finding and
citing the PMC ID when a publisher
deposits for the author? Searched NIH
Additional Comments
29. Please enter any additional information about the library’s experiences with helping authors
comply with PAPs that may assist the authors in accurately analyzing the results of this survey.
Selected Comments from Respondents
Having their own copyright attorney in the Dean’s office has helped address all the PAP issues.
Health sciences librarians have excellent access to policy enforcers at the National Library of Medicine and the
National Institutes of Health. We can use these contacts to clarify compliance points, and to report problems the
investigator community is having complying with the NIH Public Access mandate.
I serve on a university-level group that establishes policies and publicity to faculty. This is a type of support, but also
not directly to authors.
If a library wishes to help its faculty authors comply with the NIH Public Access Policy, it is easy to act in their behalf
if you set up your institution as a publisher with NIHMS. This permits easy bulk deposits, and it is not hard to sign up
with NIHMS as a publisher.
It is very early in the process, so we have not had many opportunities to assess the effectiveness of current policies
and services.
So far, York Libraries’ has been general approach of raising awareness and promotion more than anything. To ID
the authors we still have some difficulties. At the moment no coordinator has been specifically assigned to these
activities. The funding of author fees will be diversified to include more publishers as we become aware of those
that would be a good candidate for support or receive specific requests, for example we’re looking at PLoS and
Bioline. However, this will mean spreading the current resources more thinly. As we start to promote this service
more widely and demand grows the expectation is that it will be necessary to put a policy in place.
The Libraries took the lead in speaking to general counsel and the Office Of Sponsored Programs and than took a
step back from the process. After talking to the faculty, the Libraries assumed a coordinating and advisory role on an
ad-hoc basis with individual authors. We will continue to maintain a Libguide on the NIH process and will continue
to monitor any changes to the NIH submission process.
The library and the Office of the Provost co-chair a university-wide Scholarly Communication Committee that
discusses issues related to PAP compliance. The library and Office of Research jointly fund the Open Publishing
Support Fund. The Faculty Senate Library Committee and Research Council are interested in the issues. Because we