40 · Survey Results: Survey Questions And Responses
Sessions Offered Participants Comments
10 150 We started with presentation to an auditorium filled with administrators (about
80) and captured the presentation on video. That presentation is now available
on the Web. We have subsequently done presentations for departments (average
attendance 15-20). We offer regularly scheduled classes on Reference Manager
and EndNote in which NIH Public Access compliance is a major component.
10 257 The numbers reflect Hershey presentations plus one videotaped presentation at
University Park.
11 200
12 150
12 250
14 150
14 250 We offer one NIH Policy Class per quarter and custom presentations upon request.
20 150 Scholarly Communications workshops (includes topic: PAPs)
50 approx. 1,500 Becker Library provides two types of presentations: customized and generic.
Customized presentations are very effective means of providing information about
the NIH Policy.
Additional comments
No formal classes but included in general presentations.
The library’s Summary of Instructional Activity (SIA) database has recently been enhanced to facilitate the reporting
of scholarly communication activities. This will allow individual librarians and library staff to track activity in a
systematic way that heretofore we did not. Noting below the definition of scholarly communication we are using
in the database: “Communication with a student, faculty, or staff, on a range of topics associated with intellectual
property and publishing, including authors’ rights, copyright, use of copyrighted materials, new scholarly publishing
models and open-access initiatives, and the UC eScholarship Repository. Communication may be to an individual
or groups and may occur in a variety of locations or formats, for example, in person, in an office or a classroom, or
via e-mail, chat, telephone or text.” For further information about the SIA database, contact Marion Peters in our
Science and Engineering Library.
The NIH workshop was especially well received with lots of valuable comments and connections made among
the attendees. Prior to the NIH workshop, there was general confusion about how to proceed, what it meant for
them as researchers, and significant concern about how much time all these mandates take away from the actual
research. We did not track the numbers of sessions or attendees—obviously need to start doing this like we do for
bibliographic instruction sessions.
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