30 · Survey Results: Survey Questions And Responses
Please specify other activity and the corresponding participant.
Participant Other Activity
Maintains Web site.
Web site: contributors are coordinator and librarians.
Individual or
1. Suggested wording for faculty copyright addendum: Intellectual Property
Rights Officer, Main Library. 2. Created Web pages with links to NIH PAP
main page and other supporting resources: Library Specialist, Health
Sciences Library &IP Rights Officer, Main Library. 3. Article in Research
Administration newsletter: Health Sciences Library Director.
Individual or
Keeps University and School of Medicine research and compliance offices
updated on PAP support activities, including regular announcements in an
online newsletter.
Individual or
Promotion with Research officers and grantees in different departments, this
is done by our Science Librarian (above) as described above agreements
for funds to pay Public Access fees for university authors who publish with
certain publishers, such as BioMed.
Medical Center Librarian monitors developments and coordinates Web
resources for authors. Librarians within medical center library provide
support for deposit. Scholarly Communications Officer coordinates policy
development and supports authors in retaining needed rights.
Some individual librarians do provide mediated deposit but most refer to
this service provided to all authors at our institution at the medical library
for one group of librarian staff training there is a coordinator of subject
17. Do any of the individuals or groups collaborate on PAP activities with other departments or units
within the institution (such as the Office of Research, the Office of Grants and Contracts, or the
Office of General Counsel)? N=25
Yes 24 96%
No 1 4%
If yes, please list the department(s) or unit(s) and comment on the type of activities and the roles
of the individuals or groups and the other department or unit. N=24
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