SPEC Kit 311: Public Access Policies · 53
Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3
Library staff themselves do not feel
adequately knowledgeable and
trained with PAPs to feel comfortable
helping authors. We have created
new brochures, targeted to the faculty
audience, that they can use with faculty.
We are creating more workshops
scheduled for this spring, organized by
broad discipline categories (humanities,
social sciences, health sciences,
general sciences), that both faculty and
librarians will be invited to attend. We
are including the liaison librarians in
the creation of the workshops.
Many authors are concerned about
their compliance with PAPs, how it
might affect their ability to later publish
their material in scholarly journals,
and what it might do to their tenure
and promotion possibilities. Librarians
generally are not able to help with
these types of concerns so feel at
a loss as to what to do or what to
recommend. We have created a Faculty
Senate Ad Hoc Committee that is
charged with investigating the impact
and implications of digital scholarship.
This committee includes a member of
our faculty union that deals with issues
of T&P. That committee will be giving a
presentation to the full Faculty Senate
in April, with much discussion about
these issues. The Ad Hoc Committee will
then be giving its recommendation for
future action to the full Faculty Senate
at its May meeting. http://www.umass.
Librarians hear from faculty that they
are concerned about the impact of their
scholarly work. They are familiar with
how to measure their impact through
traditional scholarly communication
channels. How are we going to do
this with digital scholarship. The
Scholarly Communication Librarian has
compiled several articles that address
this topic but there is lots of room for
improvement, creation of new types
of materials to address this need in a
clear, concise manner. This would be
an excellent area in which to focus
research and provide materials in the
upcoming year.
Maintaining the currency and accuracy
of the in-house-developed database
of compliance information. Given that
the information is a moving target,
updating is continuous.
Many NIH-funded authors did not
fully understand the NIH Policy
when it was first implemented and
requested a synopsis of the NIH Policy.
To address this issue, a flowchart
outlining the compliance process was
developed. http://becker.wustl.edu/pdf/
Authors were reporting publisher
delays in submission of NIH-funded
works. Until submission is executed,
NIH-funded authors have no means of
demonstrating compliance with the NIH
Policy unless the journal cooperates
with NIH/PMC or if the author has paid
a fee to the publisher. To address this
concern, Becker Library worked with the
Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor
and General Counsel to draft language
to use when contacting a publisher to
clarify the submission status.
Some NIH-funded authors direct their
office staff to be third party submitters
on their behalf. To assist third party
submitters, Becker Library developed
a checklist for third party submitters
and provided personal training on the
submission process.
Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3
Library staff themselves do not feel
adequately knowledgeable and
trained with PAPs to feel comfortable
helping authors. We have created
new brochures, targeted to the faculty
audience, that they can use with faculty.
We are creating more workshops
scheduled for this spring, organized by
broad discipline categories (humanities,
social sciences, health sciences,
general sciences), that both faculty and
librarians will be invited to attend. We
are including the liaison librarians in
the creation of the workshops.
Many authors are concerned about
their compliance with PAPs, how it
might affect their ability to later publish
their material in scholarly journals,
and what it might do to their tenure
and promotion possibilities. Librarians
generally are not able to help with
these types of concerns so feel at
a loss as to what to do or what to
recommend. We have created a Faculty
Senate Ad Hoc Committee that is
charged with investigating the impact
and implications of digital scholarship.
This committee includes a member of
our faculty union that deals with issues
of T&P. That committee will be giving a
presentation to the full Faculty Senate
in April, with much discussion about
these issues. The Ad Hoc Committee will
then be giving its recommendation for
future action to the full Faculty Senate
at its May meeting. http://www.umass.
Librarians hear from faculty that they
are concerned about the impact of their
scholarly work. They are familiar with
how to measure their impact through
traditional scholarly communication
channels. How are we going to do
this with digital scholarship. The
Scholarly Communication Librarian has
compiled several articles that address
this topic but there is lots of room for
improvement, creation of new types
of materials to address this need in a
clear, concise manner. This would be
an excellent area in which to focus
research and provide materials in the
upcoming year.
Maintaining the currency and accuracy
of the in-house-developed database
of compliance information. Given that
the information is a moving target,
updating is continuous.
Many NIH-funded authors did not
fully understand the NIH Policy
when it was first implemented and
requested a synopsis of the NIH Policy.
To address this issue, a flowchart
outlining the compliance process was
developed. http://becker.wustl.edu/pdf/
Authors were reporting publisher
delays in submission of NIH-funded
works. Until submission is executed,
NIH-funded authors have no means of
demonstrating compliance with the NIH
Policy unless the journal cooperates
with NIH/PMC or if the author has paid
a fee to the publisher. To address this
concern, Becker Library worked with the
Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor
and General Counsel to draft language
to use when contacting a publisher to
clarify the submission status.
Some NIH-funded authors direct their
office staff to be third party submitters
on their behalf. To assist third party
submitters, Becker Library developed
a checklist for third party submitters
and provided personal training on the
submission process.