SPEC Kit 311: Public Access Policies · 31
Department/Unit Type of Activity
Biomedical Library Outreach Training, Web site, information, consultation
Groups responsible for management of intellectual property,
for planning &performance management and for corporate
Intranet Web site, FAQ
In the sciences Information sent to local CIHR coordinator.
Office of Grants and Contracts, Office of Research The librarians tend to keep abreast of developments, provide
training and assistance, and recommend procedures. The
units external to the library tend to serve more as receivers of
information than leaders in responding to it.
Office of Research Information sharing and consultation
Office of Research To help with publicizing the library’s efforts and maintaining
awareness of the resources available.
Office of Research, Office of General Counsel
Office of Research Affairs and its Compliance Department
and its Office of Grants and Contracts University General
Counsel and University System General Counsel’s Office
Office of Outreach Graduate School
Please see previous comments re NIH for the Office of
Research. We have worked with the General Counsel and
both the campus and university system level to share our
documents on Author Rights, electronic journal MOU, the
Faculty Senate motion regarding open access, and other
guideline and policy documents to get their approval and to
provide education about digital scholarship developments.
Office of Outreach to provide education and training to
their staff and faculty associated with that office regarding
Author Rights, Open Access, and ways to move forward in
that environment. The Office of Outreach is recommending
that faculty engaged in scholarly outreach contribute their
materials to our digital repository, ScholarWorks @UMass
Amherst. There is not yet a policy in place.
Office of Research Services
Office of Research Support Primarily promoting awareness and directing researchers to
needed resources as above.
Office of Research, General Counsel Informational correspondence with PIs review of legal
matters such as addenda.
Office of Sponsored Programs, Office of General Counsel Scholarly Publishing &Licensing Consultant worked with
OSP to speak at one of their roundtables for administrative
assistants about complying with the NIH policy. OSP tracks
national developments that affect grant-funded research.
Office of Sponsored Programs, Office of Grants &Contracts OSP/OGC will monitor policy compliance. Library staff have
assisted research administrators to provide evidence of
submission to PubMed Central for progress reports.
Office of Sponsored Projects
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