24 · Survey Results: Survey Questions And Responses
Coordinates library staff PAP training activities 2 29%
Other PAP activity 1 14%
Please specify other PAP activity.
Educates faculty and administrative staff through presentations and individual consultations.
8. Does this position collaborate on PAP activities with other departments or units within the
institution (such as the Office of Research, the Office of Grants and Contracts, or the Office of
General Counsel)? N=7
Yes 6 86%
No 1 14%
If yes, please list the department(s) or unit(s) and comment on the type of activities and the roles
of the library and other department or unit.
Department/Unit Type of Activity
Office of Research, Office of Grants and Contracts, Office of
the Executive Vice Chancellor and General Counsel
Office of Research and Graduate Studies,
Research Integrity unit
RGS and Libraries representatives met to determine how best
to support PIs. The PAP resources Web page is hosted on the
RGS Web site the Libraries provided the text for the webpage,
and a librarian is the point of contact for help. RGS sponsored a
symposium on the NIH policy the Head of Scholar Services was
the presenter.
Office of Research and Project Administration (ORPA) ORPA mainly handles issues having to do with compliance with
PAP mandates. Miner Library (health sciences library) handles
issues having to do with copyright, publisher policies, and
submitting papers to open access repositories.
Research Office, General Counsel, Grants/Contracts
This is really a probably as we are still in the development
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