34 · Survey Results: Survey Questions And Responses
Newsletters 6 12%
Other resource(s) 27 53%
Please describe other resource(s).
A deposit flow chart describing the steps to compliance.
A Web site serves as the main gateway to information on scholarly communication. The heart of the Web site is a
blog that is regularly updated with information about developing issues, policy debates, and proposed solutions.
There are also links to upcoming events, UC-wide initiatives, and information and resources to aid faculty and
students in answering copyright-related questions. For the blog, see http://blogs.library.ucla.edu/ipmanagement. In
addition we offer our researchers a “helpline” (phone number and e-mail address) for their immediate questions.
Basic Web site inviting faculty to contact us for publishing/compliance advice.
Consultation with authors.
Creation and maintenance of a database providing access to publisher-specific and journal-specific compliance
policies. Journals listed include subscription titles and journals in which institutional authors publish.
Dedicated e-mail address for questions.
E-mail reminders about the policy and linking to the Web site.
Guidance for third party submitters.
Handouts on bibliographic citation management software [Reference Manager and EndNote] used to comply with
the NIH reporting requirements. Library staff will submit manuscripts and supporting files to PubMed Central for PIs.
Individual consultation.
Individual consultation with authors and their support staff as requested.
Individual support.
Instructional sessions.
Legal consultant (Scholarly Communications Officer) to assist in understanding and negotiating publication
Link to easy guide for determining whether or not an author is affected by the policy. This is a document created by
Becker Medical Library, Washington University School of Medicine.
Listserv for questions.
Live presentations.
Mostly links to other resources.
One-on-one contacts with authors. Currently involved in a series of interviews of NIH-funded authors to determine
their needs and approaches.
One-on-one help as requested.
One-on-one discussion. Web site links to other pertinent PAP Web sites such as Sherpa Romeo and FAQs.
Newsletters 6 12%
Other resource(s) 27 53%
Please describe other resource(s).
A deposit flow chart describing the steps to compliance.
A Web site serves as the main gateway to information on scholarly communication. The heart of the Web site is a
blog that is regularly updated with information about developing issues, policy debates, and proposed solutions.
There are also links to upcoming events, UC-wide initiatives, and information and resources to aid faculty and
students in answering copyright-related questions. For the blog, see http://blogs.library.ucla.edu/ipmanagement. In
addition we offer our researchers a “helpline” (phone number and e-mail address) for their immediate questions.
Basic Web site inviting faculty to contact us for publishing/compliance advice.
Consultation with authors.
Creation and maintenance of a database providing access to publisher-specific and journal-specific compliance
policies. Journals listed include subscription titles and journals in which institutional authors publish.
Dedicated e-mail address for questions.
E-mail reminders about the policy and linking to the Web site.
Guidance for third party submitters.
Handouts on bibliographic citation management software [Reference Manager and EndNote] used to comply with
the NIH reporting requirements. Library staff will submit manuscripts and supporting files to PubMed Central for PIs.
Individual consultation.
Individual consultation with authors and their support staff as requested.
Individual support.
Instructional sessions.
Legal consultant (Scholarly Communications Officer) to assist in understanding and negotiating publication
Link to easy guide for determining whether or not an author is affected by the policy. This is a document created by
Becker Medical Library, Washington University School of Medicine.
Listserv for questions.
Live presentations.
Mostly links to other resources.
One-on-one contacts with authors. Currently involved in a series of interviews of NIH-funded authors to determine
their needs and approaches.
One-on-one help as requested.
One-on-one discussion. Web site links to other pertinent PAP Web sites such as Sherpa Romeo and FAQs.