SPEC Kit 345: Shared Print Programs · 93
Number of volumes Average number of volumes added each year
3,380 0
22,735 25,000
95,000 80,000
120,000 60,000
137,852 27,570
156,155 26,000
255,862 63,790
354,000 60,000
542,197 108,439
38. Are there plans to retain more print holdings in the future? N=21
Yes 20 95%
No 1 5%
If yes, please quantify your ingest goals for future years, to the extent possible. N=16
120,000 volumes (2014–2016) higher risk titles. Finish archiving digitally preserved titles (e.g., Portico/CLOCKSS)—
number TBD.
155,000 volumes in next two years
344 more titles, 9301 more volumes
Five Colleges is building a new “library annex” that will provide additional space for up to 2.5 million volumes.
Given the nature of our program, there is no specific goal. I do expect the annual average to decline as most members
have already transferred the bulk of their periodicals to the Shared Collections Facility. Monographic deduplication,
assuming we are successful in establishing a process for identifying duplicates, will yield a lower rate of return as
duplication among the monographic collections is relatively low.
Holdings will be added to MLAC Facility until it reaches capacity (probably another 50–75,000 volumes max.)
In addition to the current program projects, UC’s plan to start a shared print monographs and federal documents
program as well as expanded, annual print journal archiving campaigns to the storage facilities. An initial targets for
retention: 500,000 monograph volumes, 20,000 journal volumes annually, 10,000 federal documents volumes.
MedPrint has a defined list of 246 titles to which members can commit. If we meet the goal of 13 copies of each of
those, the program will be expanded. Libraries can also commit to any title they wish to hold, but those titles are not
part of the formal MedPrint agreement. Libraries have committed to hold well over 700 titles.
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