SPEC Kit 345: Shared Print Programs · 149
CIC Shared Print Repository MOU
DEPOSITING LIBRARIES will carry out volume level validation of materials being
prepared for transfer, including updating the bibliographic record if needed, and
providing accurate holdings records. The transfer of records to a HOST SITE will be
carried out under protocols approved by the STEERING COMMITTEE. Preparation of
materials and records for transfer will not be a reimbursed expense under the
REPOSITORY program, but shipping costs can be submitted for reimbursement.
Libraries that withdraw volumes because a shared copy is already on deposit may
continue to count ownership of that material for statistical and accreditation purposes,
unless specifically precluded by an accrediting body.
5. Fees and Financial Obligations
Participating CIC libraries agree to provide financial support to the REPOSITORY as
specified in a financial plan approved by the CIC SHARED PRINT REPOSITORY
GOVERNING BOARD. Signatories are committing to provide funding for the full five-
year term of this MOU.
All participating libraries will share the costs of shipping, ingest and ongoing storage in a
formula to be approved by the GOVERNING BOARD. Onetime costs include: shipping
and handling, ingest routines and validation. Ongoing costs include: depreciation,
insurance, and other operational and service costs that accrue to the HOST SITE(S).
Each PARTICIPATING CIC LIBRARY is responsible for an equal share of the costs and
expenses incurred at a HOST SITE related to: the selection of materials for shared print
storage representing holdings in appropriate catalogs or discovery tools providing
metadata as needed by the host facility and the shipping costs to transfer materials from
a contributing library to the HOST SITE.
CIC LIBRARIES joining the project after the first year of operation (NON-FOUNDING
PARTNERS), will be assessed all fees and charges that accrued to FOUNDING
PARTNERS dating back to the initial year of the project.
CIC libraries that are not participating in the SHARED PRINT REPOSITORY program, or
member libraries that have withdrawn from participation or allowed their participation to
expire, may request to borrow material from the REPOSITORY for a fee, and under
terms and procedures determined by the GOVERNING BOARD.
Partnership fees for the five-year TERM of this Agreement will be recommended by the
STEERING COMMITTEE and approved by unanimous consent of the GOVERNING
BOARD. An initial financial plan for the project can be modified as circumstances require
by a majority vote of the GOVERNING BOARD, provided that contractual commitments
to HOSTING LIBRARIES, vendors and contractors are honored. Following the first year
of the project, the annual partnership fee will be reviewed and approved in MAY of each
year to determine payments for the subsequent project fiscal year commencing in July
A PARTICIPATING CIC LIBRARY facing exceptional fiscal exigencies should bring that
to the attention of the GOVERNING BOARD as far in advance as possible of a missed
or reduced payment. The GOVERNING BOARD, working with the Library Director and
Provost of an institution in default, should review and pursue options for sustaining
participation in the archiving program.
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