SPEC Kit 345: Shared Print Programs · 33
Partner Options 1 Not at all
2 3 Important 4 5 Very
The partners strive to provide better or more access
to shared retained collections
0 5 16 15 13 49
The partner institution “manages” its users,
particularly users that cause damage or loss to the
3 11 16 8 10 48
The partners are within the same state/province 13 21 4 6 5 49
Our institutions borrow and lend at fairly equal rates 10 15 17 3 4 49
The partners’ collections are similar to my libraries’
9 12 16 9 3 49
You know administrators at the other institution 9 13 21 5 2 50
Users at my institution borrow heavily from the
partner institutions
12 23 7 5 2 49
My institution lends heavily to the partner
12 22 10 3 2 49
The partners’ collections are unlike my libraries’
15 18 11 4 1 49
Total Responses 29 50 46 43 38 50
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
The partners’ collections are unlike my libraries’
My institution lends heavily to the partner
You know administrators at the other institution
Users at my institution borrow heavily from the
partner institutions
The partners’ collections are similar to my libraries’
Our institutions borrow and lend at fairly equal rates
The partners are within the same state/province
The partner institution “manages” its users
The partners strive to provide better or more access
to shared retained collections
The partners are within the same resource-sharing
A legal agreement is drawn up to codify collection
management behaviors
A general agreement provides guidelines for
collection management behaviors
1 Not at all Important
3 Important
5 Very Important
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