150 · Representative Documents: MOUs and Member Agreements
CIC Shared Print Repository MOU
6. Eligible Materials
Eligible materials will be designated or approved by a WORKING GROUP of CIC
collection development specialists working under the direction of the GOVERNING
BOARD and/or STEERING COMMITTEE. While the initial phases of the project will
focus upon aggregating and securing journal backfiles, reference materials and
monographs will likely be included as the project develops over time.
No print serial volumes will be duplicated in the CIC SHARED PRINT REPOSITORY
program without the explicit consent of the STEERING COMMITTEE acting on behalf of
7. Service
Materials designated for the CIC SHARED PRINT REPOSITORY will be made available
to users at the request of PARTICIPATING CIC LIBRARIES, and will be delivered to
designated offices of the requesting library (e.g., ILL, Circulation, Reference). As
appropriate, requests for articles or volumes should be made through traditional ILL
channels. Fulfillment of requests will most commonly involve delivery of a scanned
digital surrogate, unless it is specified that the user requires access to the original print
copy of an article or work. Unless otherwise agreed to by the HOST LIBRARY and the
STEERING COMMITTEE, REPOSITORY materials will be made available to readers for
onsite reading at the borrowing library. Borrowing libraries will assume responsibility for
any losses of content in shipping or circulation, and will work with the HOST SITE to
expedite replacement.
PARTICIPATING CIC LIBRARIES will provide a list of library units, campus libraries, or
branch campuses to be covered by this Agreement. Non-contiguous branch or system
libraries can request materials through the central PARTICIPATING CIC LIBRARY,
provided that they agree to restrict circulation to on-site use, and the central CIC Library
agrees to assume responsibility for loss or damage to REPOSITORY materials as
stipulated in the above paragraph.
8. Host Site Obligations
Each CIC SHARED PRINT REPOSITORY HOST SITE will execute an agreement with
the CIC that specifies required conditions, procedures and services to be in compliance
with the expectations of PARTICIPATING CIC LIBRARIES as addressed herein. These
HOSTING AGREEMENTS might vary one from another to take account of the nature of
the material being stored, the nature of the facilities being used, the term of the
commitment, the partnering libraries being served, or the evolving needs and
expectations of PARTICIPATING CIC LIBRARIES over time. In general, however, the
HOSTING AGREEMENTS will reinforce the following expectations for institutions
providing these archiving services:
a) HOST SITES agree to house CIC SHARED PRINT REPOSITORY materials in
an environmentally controlled, insured, and secured facility.
b) HOST SITES for REPOSITORY holdings commit to retention and stewardship of
deposited materials for an initial period of twenty-five years, assuming that one or
more PARTICIPATING CIC LIBRARIES can provide adequate support to defray
the costs of retention. Under exceptional circumstances, a HOST SITE can
petition the GOVERNING BOARD for permission to discard or transfer holdings.
c) HOST SITES will validate REPOSITORY serial holdings at the volume level for
completeness, and will develop routines for attempting to fill gaps-- or replace
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