142 · Representative Documents: MOUs and Member Agreements
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
Central Iowa Collaborative Collections Initiative (CI-CCI) Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU)
Mission Statement
The purpose of the CI-CCI is to enhance and sustain the availability of scholarly information
for the combined user community of the group. The collaboration will strive to model effective best
practice for cooperative collections and resource sharing.
Project Goals
The project has four immediate goals:
First, to responsibly reduce the size of local print collections by reducing duplication among the
participating libraries so that library space may be freed up for other uses.
Second, to create and maintain a distributed, shared collection of these identified monograph titles to
ensure that circulating copies of them are retained within the group, readily accessible to group
participants as well as other libraries.
Third, to coordinate acquisitions with the goal of developing a “shared collection” among the
participants to reduce duplication, leverage acquisition funds, and to reduce the frequency for the
necessity to do data refresh.
Fourth, establish an environment where exploration and development of additional areas of
collaboration can flourish (e.g., technology, etc.).
Guiding Principles
Participant libraries are committed to work together collaboratively to meet the Project Goals above
for a minimum of 10 years (with options for review, renewal and dissolution as outlined below). We
recognize that some of the specifics of this collaboration including the number of print titles covered,
the participating libraries involved and details of responsibilities are likely to change over time and
that adjustments will be desirable.
The MOU commitment is to work in consultation with each other for 10 years to responsibly,
collaboratively and transparently manage the shared print collection that is a result of our joint
withdrawal and retention actions.
Duration of agreement
Libraries agree to work together collaboratively to meet the Project Goals of the project for a
minimum of 10 years from the start of the original agreement unless this agreement is dissolved or
superseded by the mutual agreement of a simple majority of the participants. The length of this
agreement may be extended at the end of the original period by mutual agreement of the group.
Review of the agreement, its terms and implications will occur at no less than three (3) year intervals,
or when a request is supported by a simple majority of full participant libraries.
Release from or renegotiation of agreement terms
An individual institution may be released from the agreement or modify its’ retention list for reasons
beyond the library’s control such as a disaster, financial exigency, or a university mandate.
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