60 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
36. When your library deselects duplicate holdings based on the retention commitments made in
shared print programs, how do you go about it? Check all that apply. N=45
Title-by-title decision 30 67%
All titles in specific categories of materials in the shared print collections 11 24%
My library does not deselect holdings based on retention commitments made in shared programs 11 24%
All titles that duplicate holdings in the shared print collections 10 22%
37. When your library deselects duplicate holdings based on the retention commitments made in
shared print programs, how important are the following criteria when making those decisions?
Please make one selection per row. N=47
Criteria 1 Not at all
2 3 Important 4 5 Very
Electronic availability 1 1 6 6 26 40
Post cancellation access rights have been secured 1 2 4 11 22 40
Digital preservation status (presence in a digital
preservation repository)
1 3 8 13 14 39
Level of print duplication in the partnership 2 10 12 6 9 39
Environmental conditions in which the retained copy
is kept (e.g., storage)
3 7 15 7 7 39
Copyright status 5 12 14 4 4 39
Level of print duplication in WorldCat or other
4 11 11 11 3 40
Level of validation performed to verify holdings 1 9 16 10 3 39
Length of the retention commitment 3 8 16 9 3 39
Level of validation performed to verify condition 2 14 16 4 3 39
Number of retention commitments in other shared
print archives
6 18 10 4 1 39
My library does not deselect holdings based on
retention commitments made in shared print
7 1 5 2 6 21
Total Responses 18 33 38 32 38 47
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