78 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
ASERL and the Washington Research Library Consortium (WRLC) combine the contents of their respective print journal
archives under a single retention and access agreement—Scholars Trust. The combined title list exceeds 8,000 journal
titles and more than 250,000 volumes.
Connect New York (CNY) is a 501(c) 3 library consortium with 18 members in New York State. As such, member dues
and individual library budgets along with grant funding subsidize most CNY projects. In the case of shared print, CNY
helped to fund the cost of a major collection analysis project amongst 12 of the 18 CNY libraries. Future shared print
activities will also be funded in a way that allows for some central funding and for individual library contributions,
depending upon the nature of the project. 2014: SCS project funding of approximately $15,000 subsidy from central
fund. 2013: SCS project funding of approximately $40,000 subsidy from central fund. 2012: No formal funding.
Activities funded by CNY budget: Personnel Consultation with Sam Demas over two fiscal years. Collection Analysis
Sustainable Collection Services. Program administration %of central staff time estimate allocated to this project.
Contributed funds, invoicing, and contract with analysis vendor was handled by MCLS, our consortium. MCLS facilitated
discussions, planning, and coordinated implementation.
FLARE is the shared print retention program for the Florida State University System and the University of Miami. All
holdings are property of the State of Florida, managed by UF on behalf of the participants. All participants, including UF,
deaccession holdings when the items are transferred to FLARE. Each participating institution signs an MOU with UF and
commits to sharing in the costs of managing the collection and operating the facility based on a weighted student FTE.
Operating funds are also sought from the Florida legislature and the Board of Governors of the State University System
(which has provided approximately $1 million), and will be sought from donors and grants.
Funded by Five College Libraries and fees from the Affiliates Program.
Members share program costs net after grant funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Program activities
include member management, communications, archive creation services, collection analysis, and systems development
and support. Members absorb costs for access, storage, shipping materials, and deselection.
Minnesota Library Access Center (MLAC) is a state-funded facility.
Shared Print at the University of California is a collaborative program of the ten campus UC libraries, with project
management and analytical staff based at the California Digital Library. CDL funds two positions, a shared print
manager and shared print analyst, from its own budget. In addition, the CDL budget provides financial support to
selected programmatic activities that require ongoing operational staff support. Some activities (e.g., the UC JSTOR
print repository) involve funding from external sources, while several other projects are undertaken via contributed effort
at our campuses.
The current project is funded by a grant from IMLS with partner libraries providing matching funds. Post grant funds
(August 2014 onwards) new members will pay membership fees (still to be agreed) to cover collection analysis and
project management. Libraries are expected to absorb costs such as work on disclosing retention commitment and
attending meetings.
The MedPrint program operates under the auspices of NLM’s DOCLINE system. No funding is allocated specifically for
this purpose, other than staff time allocated to programming and other support services for DOCLINE and the MedPrint
website. Our National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM) partners share the responsibility in getting the word
out to potential participants.
The willingness of libraries to participate. The willingness of libraries to accept and add materials to their collection.
Limited oversight from consortium to coordinate the program.
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