52 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
OCLC has adopted Shared Print Metadata guidelines for the disclosure of archiving commitments in OCLC WorldCat and the Center
for Research Libraries’ Print Archives Preservation Registry (PAPR). These metadata standards include using separate shared print
OCLC symbols, local holdings records (LHRs), 561 and 583 fields to record custodial history and retention.
25. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1
equals strongly disagree and 5 equals strongly agree. Please make one selection per row. N=50
Statement 1 Strongly
2 3 Agree 4 5 Strongly
Disclosing retention commitments in OCLC WorldCat
provides value in terms of national/international
1 2 13 10 24 50
Disclosing retention commitments in OCLC WorldCat
provides value in terms of national/international
1 3 14 12 20 50
A unified catalog of shared print retention
commitments and digitized copies (when available)
would be useful to librarians for purposes of
3 9 13 7 17 49
Disclosing retention commitments in PAPR provides
value in terms of national/international discovery
1 11 18 10 10 50
A unified catalog of shared print retention
commitments and digitized copies (when available)
would be useful to patrons across multiple
institutions for purposes of discovery
6 15 12 9 7 49
Total Responses 7 22 30 24 30 50
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
A unified catalog of shared print retention commitments
and digitized copies (when available) would be useful to
patrons across multiple institutions for purposes of
Disclosing retention commitments in PAPR provides value
in terms of national/international discovery
A unified catalog of shared print retention commitments
and digitized copies (when available) would be useful to
librarians for purposes of discovery
Disclosing retention commitments in OCLC WorldCat
provides value in terms of national/international access/
Disclosing retention commitments in OCLC WorldCat
provides value in terms of national/international discovery
1 Strongly Disagree
3 Agree
5 Strongly Agree
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