28 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
5. For all prospective shared print agreements combined, what is your institution’s annual
expenditure on new acquisitions? N=27
Annual expenditure on new acquisitions
Minimum Maximum Mean Median Std Dev
0 20,000,000 2, 856,390 0 5,600,076
Expenditure Responses
0 18
1 1
50,625 1
69,910 1
7,200,000 1
7,700,000 1
9,985,000 1
10,500,000 1
17,000,000 1
20,000,000 1
6. For each service in which your library participates, please indicate the total amount paid for direct
member/participant fees in the most recent, complete fiscal year. Please also indicate the average
annual fees paid in the past three fiscal years. Do not include one-time costs. (This information will
only be reported in the aggregate.) N=38
Portico N=35
Fee N Minimum Maximum Mean Median Std Dev
Current fiscal year 35 8,544 30,833 14,059 13,585 4,345
Three-year average 33 5,000 29,923 13,119 13,033 4,186
Fee N Minimum Maximum Mean Median Std Dev
Current fiscal year 14 3,000 15,000 8,743 7,200 4,395
Three-year average 14 2,402 15,000 8,700 7,200 4,457
Fee N Minimum Maximum Mean Median Std Dev
Current fiscal year 21 9,120 12,000 10,711 10,800 488
Three-year average 21 9,120 10,948 10,661 10,800 395
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