SPEC Kit 345: Shared Print Programs · 79
Voluntary participation only. SMALL portion of member fee supports central administration of contracts and
holdings documentation.
This is a joint project of LIPA and NELLCO, two law library consortia with different but complementary missions. It is a
3-year pilot devoted to federal and state primary legal materials. Four libraries have contributed materials to build the
initial collection an additional 62 libraries are paying an annual subscriber fee to participate LIPA and NELLCO are
underwriting a portion of the total cost to help the project during this pilot phase.
We do not currently have a designated “Business Model” as the 13 state-supported institutions that participate in the
depositories do not directly contribute funds to deduplication program. It is currently handled with regular operating
funds coming from the state.
We have a Memorandum of Understanding. There is no budget or fees. Shipping and personnel costs were borne by
each of the three contributing libraries.
15. Please enter the annual budget for the program for your last three fiscal years. N=14
2014 2013 2012
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 23,449 51,617
30,400 30,000 31,500
120,000 160,000 0
135,421 131,910 128,057
300,000 250,000 250,000
576,314 591,377 484,685
682,400 684,400 703,500
760,803 446,545 398,946
899,144 1,040,739 988,702
1,440,342 1,440,342 1,449,342
16. Please indicate which activities are specifically supported by the budget. Check all that apply. N=16
Personnel 11 69%
Program administration 12 75%
Collection analysis 9 56%
Consolidation costs 5 31%
Shipping costs 2 13%
Other activity 9 56%
Voluntary participation only. SMALL portion of member fee supports central administration of contracts and
holdings documentation.
This is a joint project of LIPA and NELLCO, two law library consortia with different but complementary missions. It is a
3-year pilot devoted to federal and state primary legal materials. Four libraries have contributed materials to build the
initial collection an additional 62 libraries are paying an annual subscriber fee to participate LIPA and NELLCO are
underwriting a portion of the total cost to help the project during this pilot phase.
We do not currently have a designated “Business Model” as the 13 state-supported institutions that participate in the
depositories do not directly contribute funds to deduplication program. It is currently handled with regular operating
funds coming from the state.
We have a Memorandum of Understanding. There is no budget or fees. Shipping and personnel costs were borne by
each of the three contributing libraries.
15. Please enter the annual budget for the program for your last three fiscal years. N=14
2014 2013 2012
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 23,449 51,617
30,400 30,000 31,500
120,000 160,000 0
135,421 131,910 128,057
300,000 250,000 250,000
576,314 591,377 484,685
682,400 684,400 703,500
760,803 446,545 398,946
899,144 1,040,739 988,702
1,440,342 1,440,342 1,449,342
16. Please indicate which activities are specifically supported by the budget. Check all that apply. N=16
Personnel 11 69%
Program administration 12 75%
Collection analysis 9 56%
Consolidation costs 5 31%
Shipping costs 2 13%
Other activity 9 56%