172 · Representative Documents: MOUs and Member Agreements
MOU for Michigan Shared Print Initiative (Mi-SPI) Participants
Michigan Shared Print Initiative
MOU Consideration
May 9, 2012
2. Maintenance of the shared collection
Each library will use their best effort to maintain, house, preserve, and make available the titles on its
respective retention list for the duration of this agreement.
Libraries will not be held accountable for regular inventorying of their retention titles but are
encouraged to do this when possible as a best practice.
3. Protection of retention list titles
Each library is expected to take appropriate local steps to protect their retention titles from discard.
Participant libraries will work toward adopting an agreed on standardized bibliographic identification
(e.g. to MARC 583 http://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd583.html )to retention items in their
collections. The aim is to facilitate data refresh and also to create the potential for all participants to
identify retention items in MeLCat or alternative shared discovery system.
4. Retention facilities, maintenance requirements, physical handling
Libraries are expected to treat retention titles with the same or better care as other materials in their
collections as regards physical handling, circulation, repairs and restoration.
5. Circulation
Both of the retention copies are expected to circulate. No effort will be made to identify and monitor
a preservation copy.
All titles will be searchable in MeLCat and able to be requested through RIDES delivery service.
The shared titles will circulate locally according to each library policy and will follow the standard
ILL practices of each institution for lending to other libraries.
6. Damaged, lost, missing and replacement copies
Libraries are expected to follow their usual workflows and procedures for identifying, repairing and
replacing retention list titles. They will make a good faith effort to respond to badly damaged
(unloanable) or lost titles in a way that displays sound judgment in the context of the particular title
and its availability to other libraries in the state.
For example where titles are available in other libraries in the state (or widely available nationally) it
may not be necessary or prudent to replace them given the low circulating history of these titles.
Some suggested decision guidelines are provided in an Appendix to this document.
7. New editions
Libraries may follow their usual workflows and procedures with respect to new editions of retention
list titles. Where it is general practice for a library to replace a title with the most recent edition this
procedure may be followed even where the older edition is on a library’s retention list.
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