84 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
As noted above the goal is to eliminate duplication and maximize the use of space in our Shared Collections Facility (a
Harvard model depository).
ASERL libraries seek new options for sharing the costs and effort of long-term retention of print journals as a means
of optimizing collection management across the consortium. The agreement provides assurance that the journals
designated under this agreement will be retained and available for research purposes as long as the need reasonably
exists, thereby allowing participating ASERL libraries to consider withdrawing duplicates of said items from their campus
collections, and to rely with confidence on access to the retained copies.
Conserve valuable library resources and support service to all patrons of the Participating Institutions by reducing
unwanted duplication, and the duplicative effort and long-term costs to shelve and care for print materials that are not
often used but have enduring value.
PALMPrint, Preserving America’s Legal Materials in Print, is a joint project of LIPA and NELLCO. The mission is to
establish a shared collection of legal materials, jointly owned by the sponsoring organizations and the participating
libraries. Goals for the pilot project are: 1) provide off-site storage for an accessible historical print collection of American
primary legal materials 2) allow participating libraries the freedom to weed print collections and recapture space for
other purposes and 3) facilitate the transition to a greater reliance on digital materials by securing the print for just-in-
case access.
Preserve the scholarly record. Provide access to the scholarly record. Create opportunities to reclaim space...through a
distributed print journal archiving service in the western region of the United States.
Serious storage constraints facing Iowa State University, the University of Iowa, and the University of Wisconsin–
Madison mandated an effort to tackle this problem in a deliberative and coordinated way. An inter-institutional task
force was formed to design and implement a process with a selected group of titles as a pilot project. The immediate
goal was to liberate shelf space with an eye toward the future development of a consortial collection management plan
for the storage of print journals among the three institutions.
Take a collaborative approach to retaining and preserving print collections in Maine. Our goals are: 1. To develop a
strategy for a statewide, multi-type library program for managing, storing and preserving print collections among public
and private institutions to achieve greater efficiencies and extend the power of every dollar invested in collections and
library facilities. 2. To expand access to existing digital book collections by developing print-on-demand (POD) and
e-book-on-demand (EOD) services to support long-term management of a shared print collection, and the integration
of digital resources with print collections. 3. To formalize organizational agreements, establish a budget, and develop
policies essential for the maintenance of shared print and digital collections, access to them, and responsibility for
sharing them.
The CIC Shared Print Repository (SPR) is intended to: Aggregate, secure, and preserve the rich print resources developed
by CIC libraries over the past two centuries. Ensure that CIC scholars and students have timely access to these archived
resources. Realize the economies of scale made possible through collective action that will allow CIC libraries to apply
best practices for storing, preserving, servicing, and reflecting print holdings well into the future. Help CIC campuses
reclaim local resources, including space, funds, and staff time by relieving them of the obligation to store lesser-used
redundant materials. Integrate CIC libraries into an emerging national network of collectively managed research
library resources.
The collections of the Ohio Regional Library Depositories, in addition to their intellectual value, represent an enormous
economic investment. The Ohio Regional Depositories are committed to providing a comprehensive preservation
program for these collections which encompasses a system of plans, policies, procedures, and resources required to
properly care for and prolong the life of these collections for the use of the educational and research community. The
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