SPEC Kit 345: Shared Print Programs · 129
PALCI Distributed Print Archive (PDPA)
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Page history last edited by John Barnett 5 years, 8 months ago
(redirected from Distributed serials archive)
PALCI Distributed Print Archive (PDPA)
PALCI distributed serials archive
1. PALCI distributed serials archive
i. Project description
ii. Work group members
iii. Documents
iv. Drafts
Project description
PALCI is developing an archive of print serials for titles published by scholarly societies,
which may be commonly available in electronic format but for which it is felt it may be
helpful to continue to maintain holdings of print volumes, at least for the near future. When
complete, this archive will be distributed among various PALCI insitutitutions. Volumes will be
available for borrowing and research use among PALCI member institutions.
Work group members
Christine Roysdon, Lehigh University (work group leader)
Laverna Saunders, Duquesne University
Sharon Wiles-Young, Lehigh University
1. PALCI Distributed Storage TF Final Report.doc
2. orbis mou.pdf Draft letter of agreement for distributed storage among OrbisCascade
Alliance members
3. Report on print journal archiving pilot program (from PALCI fall 2007 meeting)
4. Spreadsheet for Distributed Print Journal Archive Project (from PALCI fall 2007
5. Distributed archive agreement (version as of May 28, 2008)
6. Distributed archive agreement--as of 03-23-09.doc
7. Backfile comparison among PALCI libraries-- as of August 11, 2008
8. PennStateholdings08.xls
9. PALCI Holdings on OCLC and Online Catalog-examples.doc
10. RLG shared print policy review report.pdf
Member Library Agreement--Distributed Print Serials Archive.doc Draft letter of
agreement for distributed storage among PALCI members
PALCIarchive agree_RHK.doc
PALCI archive agreement_RHK-JHB.doc (Final draft as of 10-29-07 to be presented
to PALCI membership at Fall 2007 meeting)
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uploaded by John Barnett
edited by John Barnett
edited by John Barnett
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Distributed archive agreement--as of
RLG shared print policy review report.pdf
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