SPEC Kit 345: Shared Print Programs · 61
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
My library does not deselect holdings based on
retention commitments
Number of retention commitments in other shared print
Level of validation performed to verify condition
Length of the retention commitment
Level of validation performed to verify holdings
Level of print duplication in WorldCat or other
Copyright status
Environmental conditions in which the retained copy is
kept (e.g., storage)
Level of print duplication in the partnership
Digital preservation status (presence in a digital
preservation repository)
Post cancellation access rights have been secured
Electronic availability
1 Not at all Important
3 Important
5 Very Important
Comments N=7
Although we make deselection decisions based on national projects, our GWLA project is very small.
If we were to deselect, these are the criteria that would be used.
Importance of electronic availability depends on the title.
My library does not retain shared print items.
Nascent programs, no deselection activities
We are still in the process of weeding our monographic collections, and have begun a major deselection process
for serials.
We have actually deselected very few if any titles to date, but are trying, and our answers reflect the thought and work
we have done toward that goal.
38. Does your library use a tool to identify what to deselect next? N=50
Yes 11 22%
No 39 78%
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