SPEC Kit 345: Shared Print Programs · 47
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Unmet demand for print books
Print monograph deselection rates
Use of print books by different user cohorts
Transformation of the long-form argument to other or
more dynamic forms
Use of print books as digital surrogates become
Uses of print and digital monographs throughout the
research lifecycle
Use of shared print books as enhanced d&d services are
Change in tenure achievement with non-book length
Interlibrary lending capabilities for ebooks
1 Not at all Important
3 Important
5 Very Important
Comments N=4
Also: change in attitudes regarding open access and change in attitudes regarding faculty perceptions of the prestige
associated with print also faculty trust in digital preservation.
The need for print monograph retention will be very much a function of changes in the tenure system. If long-form
scholarship does indeed migrate to more heterogeneous forms, including a much greater reliance on digital objects,
then we will finally see the print monograph lose its hegemony.
Transformation of the long-form argument and Change in tenure achievement might mean transition away from
monograph publishing, but that wouldn’t affect monograph purchase for retention.
Transformation of the long-form argument will be a long time coming??
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