58 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
31. How does your library identify titles to retain in the shared print programs in which your library is
involved? Check all that apply. N=47
My library receives a list of proposed titles from a group coordinator and selects from them 32 68%
My library reviews gaps lists and provides holdings to fill gaps 17 36%
Selectors identify titles and copies for retention within a group of libraries (e.g., “last” or shared copies) 13 28%
My library receives predefined group criteria and uses a tool locally to identify titles that meet the criteria 9 19%
If you indicated above that your library uses a tool to identify titles, please briefly describe the tool.
Elaborate Excel spreadsheets
Local programs to match criteria to MARC records in catalog
Locally developed tool (FirstCopy)2 Missing/10 +(LastCopy OR Currency) +Class +(ASERL *-2.25) FirstCopy: Ratio
of owned first volume to the first volume of the title squared (Values: 0 to 1) Missing: A negative numerical score of
missing volumes. Each missing volume counts as 1 and each missing issue counts as .1. All missing issues are summed
and this sum is divided by 10. (Values: -n to 0, at GT this was -3.5 to 0) LastCopy: For ceased titles only. This is a ratio of
owned latest volume to the final volume of the title. (Values: 0 to 1) Currency: For continuing titles. Currently, received
journals are assigned a value of 1, and .1 is subtracted for each year not held (.9 for 2010 cancellations, .8 for 2009
cancellations, etc.) GT used a floor of 0 for titles cancelled in or before 2000. (Values: 0 to 1) Class: A weight added
for classes relevant to the library’s mission. At GT we added a weight of .25 to all LC Q and T titles. (Values: 0 or 0.25)
ASERL: A proxy variable if the item has been nominated for ASERL by another library (0 or -1). We then multiply this
proxy times the maximum value of the algorithm 2.25.
Relies on owned e-journals collections to add blocks of titles, e.g., JSTOR or publishers that participate in Portico.
We use spreadsheets created from SerialsSolutions KnowledgeBase overlap analysis, SCS Greenglass.
32. For new print monographs purchased each year, does your library have a default practice of
sending them directly to storage unless explicitly identified for the in-library shelving? N=50
Yes 3 6%
No 44 88%
My library doesn’t have a storage facility 3 6%
33. Please indicate the number of titles archived to date by your institution for all shared print
programs in which you participate. N=35
Number of Titles
Minimum Maximum Mean Median Std Dev
3 375,810 21,240 155 85,123
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