SPEC Kit 345: Shared Print Programs · 179
PALCI Distributed Print Archive. Archive Holder Agreement
3.4 Damage or loss. Archive Holder shall notify PALCI promptly upon its becoming aware
of any irreparable damage, deterioration, or loss to any of the Materials. Cataloging information
regarding holdings and access to the Materials shall be updated promptly as necessary.
3.5 Replacement copies. Archive Holder shall use reasonable efforts to obtain, either
independently or in cooperation with PALCI, replacement copies of any Materials lost or
damaged. Original artifactual copies are always preferred, but facsimiles are acceptable when
3.6 Physical markings and bibliographic identifiers
Transferred materials. As soon as possible after the Archive Holder obtains possession of
the Transferred Materials, it shall eradicate, remove, or cover over markings of previous
owners, e.g., bookplates, ownership stamps, call numbers, and barcodes, for clear
recognition of the new owner of the Materials and in a manner not damaging to the
4. Access and use
Access to originals. The Materials may be made available for on-site use or on-site
photocopying according to Archive Holder’s applicable policies. The Materials may be available
via interlibrary loan (as noted in paragraph 1.2 above), with the requirement the Materials must
be used on-site at borrowing library’s facility.
Access to reproductions. Requests for photocopies/electronic delivery of any of the Material will
be filled in accordance with the applicable policies of Archive Holder, PALCI, and borrowing
5. Ownership
Archive Holder acknowledges and agrees
Transferred Materials shall become property of the Archive Holder upon transfer.
Archive Holder shall retain ownership and title to the Materials. Archive Holder shall not
sell, discard, donate, or otherwise relinquish ownership or control of any of the Materials
without written permission from PALCI.
Future restrictions
When and if PALCI notifies Archive Holder the originals of any of the Materials merit greater
restrictions, PALCI and Archive Holder agree to negotiate in good faith what those restrictions
shall be including, but not limited to, restrictions to access and use, environmental and physical
conditions, and maintenance and handling.
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