SPEC Kit 345: Shared Print Programs · 29
HathiTrust N=28
Fee N Minimum Maximum Mean Median Std Dev
Current fiscal year 28 8,904 196,804 31,163 22,725 34,513
Three-year average 25 8,904 425,756 53,980 29,773 95,364
Digital Preservation Network N=18
Fee N Minimum Maximum Mean Median Std Dev
Current fiscal year 18 20,000 40,000 21,111 20,000 4,714
Three-year average 16 20,000 40,000 21,250 20,000 5,000
7. What reasons motivated your library’s decision to participate in a shared print program(s)? Check
all that apply. N=50
To collaborate with other academic and research libraries in my geographic area 43 86%
To share responsibility for sustaining physical collections 43 86%
To preserve print items cost-effectively 39 78%
To free shelf space for other uses 32 64%
To collaborate with other ARL libraries 25 50%
To free shelf space for other print items 24 48%
To free shelf space in a storage facility 21 42%
To avoid or prolong the need for building another storage facility 17 34%
To gain access to more collections held elsewhere 12 24%
To reduce duplicate purchases 9 18%
To get additional support for print collections held by my institution 5 10%
To provide broader access to physical collections held by my institution 5 10%
To acquire more diverse print resources 4 8%
To acquire more diverse electronic resources 4 8%
To collaborate with other types of libraries in my geographic area (e.g., public, special libraries) 1 2%
Other reason(s) 6 12%
Please specify the other reason(s). N=6
Backup to the electronic version: a) in case the content is incomplete b) in case there is a difference in quality (e.g.,
images) c) users with disabilities who cannot use the electronic versions.
Efficiency of service to provide access to low-use material. Early on, the primary reason was to create shared storage
as the local ones were at capacity. Moving forward, the consortia’s reasons grew to encompass more of the above
stated motivations with concerted efforts on joint access &discovery technologies for collections as well as print
rationalization projects.
HathiTrust N=28
Fee N Minimum Maximum Mean Median Std Dev
Current fiscal year 28 8,904 196,804 31,163 22,725 34,513
Three-year average 25 8,904 425,756 53,980 29,773 95,364
Digital Preservation Network N=18
Fee N Minimum Maximum Mean Median Std Dev
Current fiscal year 18 20,000 40,000 21,111 20,000 4,714
Three-year average 16 20,000 40,000 21,250 20,000 5,000
7. What reasons motivated your library’s decision to participate in a shared print program(s)? Check
all that apply. N=50
To collaborate with other academic and research libraries in my geographic area 43 86%
To share responsibility for sustaining physical collections 43 86%
To preserve print items cost-effectively 39 78%
To free shelf space for other uses 32 64%
To collaborate with other ARL libraries 25 50%
To free shelf space for other print items 24 48%
To free shelf space in a storage facility 21 42%
To avoid or prolong the need for building another storage facility 17 34%
To gain access to more collections held elsewhere 12 24%
To reduce duplicate purchases 9 18%
To get additional support for print collections held by my institution 5 10%
To provide broader access to physical collections held by my institution 5 10%
To acquire more diverse print resources 4 8%
To acquire more diverse electronic resources 4 8%
To collaborate with other types of libraries in my geographic area (e.g., public, special libraries) 1 2%
Other reason(s) 6 12%
Please specify the other reason(s). N=6
Backup to the electronic version: a) in case the content is incomplete b) in case there is a difference in quality (e.g.,
images) c) users with disabilities who cannot use the electronic versions.
Efficiency of service to provide access to low-use material. Early on, the primary reason was to create shared storage
as the local ones were at capacity. Moving forward, the consortia’s reasons grew to encompass more of the above
stated motivations with concerted efforts on joint access &discovery technologies for collections as well as print
rationalization projects.