88 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
How many digital objects (e.g., full text items, datasets, etc.) does the repository contain? Digital
objects are distinct from metadata records. An estimate is acceptable.
As of 1 September 2013, tDAR contains: 552 data sets 6,551 full text documents 141 3D scans of artifacts 16,919
images and citation-only records for 357,068 documents.
How do you promote use of or deposit in this repository to the community it serves?
Conference presentations
Email announcements
Partnerships with scholarly societies
Scholarly publications
Trade publications
Have recent government mandates affected the repository’s collection development?
If yes, please describe the impact.
In both positive and negative ways recent government actions, including mandates have affected tDAR’s content
development. On the negative site, the budget cuts required by federal government sequestration have slowed the rate
at which federal agency offices have decided to use tDAR to manage the archaeological information for which they are
responsible. On the positive side, the Administration’s developing policy of “Open Gov” and improving access to federal
scientific data, including archaeological data, has created an interest in considering by federal agency offices in using
tDAR to provide for this required access.
t DAR Repository Metadata
Please indicate which metadata fields are required for deposition of content.
Date published
There are a number of additional metadata fields. See https://dev.tdar.org/confluence/display/TDAR/Data+Dictionary.
How many digital objects (e.g., full text items, datasets, etc.) does the repository contain? Digital
objects are distinct from metadata records. An estimate is acceptable.
As of 1 September 2013, tDAR contains: 552 data sets 6,551 full text documents 141 3D scans of artifacts 16,919
images and citation-only records for 357,068 documents.
How do you promote use of or deposit in this repository to the community it serves?
Conference presentations
Email announcements
Partnerships with scholarly societies
Scholarly publications
Trade publications
Have recent government mandates affected the repository’s collection development?
If yes, please describe the impact.
In both positive and negative ways recent government actions, including mandates have affected tDAR’s content
development. On the negative site, the budget cuts required by federal government sequestration have slowed the rate
at which federal agency offices have decided to use tDAR to manage the archaeological information for which they are
responsible. On the positive side, the Administration’s developing policy of “Open Gov” and improving access to federal
scientific data, including archaeological data, has created an interest in considering by federal agency offices in using
tDAR to provide for this required access.
t DAR Repository Metadata
Please indicate which metadata fields are required for deposition of content.
Date published
There are a number of additional metadata fields. See https://dev.tdar.org/confluence/display/TDAR/Data+Dictionary.