SPEC Kit 338: Library Management of Disciplinary Repositories · 27
The Digital Library of the Commons http://dlc.dlib.indiana.edu/dlc/ is a collaborative project of the Vincent and Elinor
Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis and the Indiana University Digital Library Program.
If the library supports a disciplinary repository in partnership with an institution other than the
parent, please identify the repository and specify the other institution that is responsible for the
repository. N=6
Dryad is hosted at North Carolina State University and administered by NESCent, a collaboration between Duke,
University of North Carolina, and NCSU and funded by the NSF.
PhilSci-Archive is supported by the University Library System and Department of Philosophy of Science at the University
of Pittsburgh, and the Philosophy of Science Association.
Resources in Integrated Care for Morbidity Management and Disability Prevention (RIIC-4MMDP) http://www.
riic4mmdp.org is supported by the University Library System at the University of Pittsburgh and the American Leprosy
Missions. This repository originally began as the Archive for Essential Limb Care http://www.archive4limbcare.org, a
repository developed in conjunction with the University of Pittsburgh’s School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences. The
new repository is currently under development.
The Archive of European Integration is supported by the University Library System and the University Center for
International Studies at the University of Pittsburgh, and the European Research Papers Archive, European Union Center,
and European Union Studies Association.
The Digital Archaeological Record (tDAR). tDAR is administered and managed by the Center for Digital Antiquity, which
is located in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change (SHESC) at Arizona State University. The Center and
SHESC are partners with the ASU Libraries in maintaining tDAR. The Center is physically located in the main library
building, Hayden Library, on the Tempe campus of ASU.
The Minority Health and Health Equity Archive is managed by the Department of Information Technology in the
University Library System at the University of Pittsburgh, and The Maryland Center for Health Equity in the School of
Public Health at the University of Maryland College Park.
If your parent institution administers a disciplinary repository, please identify the repository and
specify the department(s) or entity that is responsible for the repository. N=6
CiteSeerX is maintained by a research team led by Lee Giles, David Reese Professor at the College of Information
Sciences and Technology, Penn State University.
Dryad http://datadryad.org/ is administered by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Faculty members in the
School of Information and Library Science and the Department of Biology are co-PIs on this multi-institutional project.
Duke and North Carolina State University also support this project.
HTP Prints http://htpprints.yorku.ca/ is edited and administered by Christopher D. Green of the History &Theory of
Psychology Program at York University, and it is supported by the technical assistance of York University’s Faculty of Arts
Academic Technology Services.
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) is a unit within the Institute for Social Research at
the University of Michigan and maintains its office in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Purdue University administers a number of disciplinary repositories. nanoHUB and manufacturingHUB are administered
by the Network for Computational Nanotechnology NEES, Indiana CTSI, PharmaHUB, GlobalHUB, cceHUB, CUAHD,
The Digital Library of the Commons http://dlc.dlib.indiana.edu/dlc/ is a collaborative project of the Vincent and Elinor
Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis and the Indiana University Digital Library Program.
If the library supports a disciplinary repository in partnership with an institution other than the
parent, please identify the repository and specify the other institution that is responsible for the
repository. N=6
Dryad is hosted at North Carolina State University and administered by NESCent, a collaboration between Duke,
University of North Carolina, and NCSU and funded by the NSF.
PhilSci-Archive is supported by the University Library System and Department of Philosophy of Science at the University
of Pittsburgh, and the Philosophy of Science Association.
Resources in Integrated Care for Morbidity Management and Disability Prevention (RIIC-4MMDP) http://www.
riic4mmdp.org is supported by the University Library System at the University of Pittsburgh and the American Leprosy
Missions. This repository originally began as the Archive for Essential Limb Care http://www.archive4limbcare.org, a
repository developed in conjunction with the University of Pittsburgh’s School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences. The
new repository is currently under development.
The Archive of European Integration is supported by the University Library System and the University Center for
International Studies at the University of Pittsburgh, and the European Research Papers Archive, European Union Center,
and European Union Studies Association.
The Digital Archaeological Record (tDAR). tDAR is administered and managed by the Center for Digital Antiquity, which
is located in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change (SHESC) at Arizona State University. The Center and
SHESC are partners with the ASU Libraries in maintaining tDAR. The Center is physically located in the main library
building, Hayden Library, on the Tempe campus of ASU.
The Minority Health and Health Equity Archive is managed by the Department of Information Technology in the
University Library System at the University of Pittsburgh, and The Maryland Center for Health Equity in the School of
Public Health at the University of Maryland College Park.
If your parent institution administers a disciplinary repository, please identify the repository and
specify the department(s) or entity that is responsible for the repository. N=6
CiteSeerX is maintained by a research team led by Lee Giles, David Reese Professor at the College of Information
Sciences and Technology, Penn State University.
Dryad http://datadryad.org/ is administered by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Faculty members in the
School of Information and Library Science and the Department of Biology are co-PIs on this multi-institutional project.
Duke and North Carolina State University also support this project.
HTP Prints http://htpprints.yorku.ca/ is edited and administered by Christopher D. Green of the History &Theory of
Psychology Program at York University, and it is supported by the technical assistance of York University’s Faculty of Arts
Academic Technology Services.
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) is a unit within the Institute for Social Research at
the University of Michigan and maintains its office in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Purdue University administers a number of disciplinary repositories. nanoHUB and manufacturingHUB are administered
by the Network for Computational Nanotechnology NEES, Indiana CTSI, PharmaHUB, GlobalHUB, cceHUB, CUAHD,