36 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
PMC Repository Content
What strategies are used to recruit content for the repository?
Submissions are moderated by repository staff to make sure they are within the scope of the resource.
Submissions are arranged through formal arrangements with publishers.
Submissions are arranged through formal arrangements with funding bodies.
NIH, and certain other major research funding agencies, requires that peer-reviewed manuscripts supported by their
funds be deposited in PMC.
Which content types are accepted in the repository?
Peer reviewed journal articles and author manuscripts, post peer review that have been accepted for publication by a
How many digital objects (e.g., full text items, datasets, etc.) does the repository contain? Digital
objects are distinct from metadata records. An estimate is acceptable.
2.8 million full-text articles
How do you promote use of or deposit in this repository to the community it serves?
Links to the repository from the PubMed citation database and other systems. NIH Public Access deposit requirement for
Have recent government mandates affected the repository’s collection development?
If yes, please describe the impact.
A congressional mandate requires NIH funded manuscripts to be deposited, which has enriched the PMC database and
increased its usage.
PMC Repository Metadata
Please indicate which metadata fields are required for deposition of content.
Date published
PMC Repository Content
What strategies are used to recruit content for the repository?
Submissions are moderated by repository staff to make sure they are within the scope of the resource.
Submissions are arranged through formal arrangements with publishers.
Submissions are arranged through formal arrangements with funding bodies.
NIH, and certain other major research funding agencies, requires that peer-reviewed manuscripts supported by their
funds be deposited in PMC.
Which content types are accepted in the repository?
Peer reviewed journal articles and author manuscripts, post peer review that have been accepted for publication by a
How many digital objects (e.g., full text items, datasets, etc.) does the repository contain? Digital
objects are distinct from metadata records. An estimate is acceptable.
2.8 million full-text articles
How do you promote use of or deposit in this repository to the community it serves?
Links to the repository from the PubMed citation database and other systems. NIH Public Access deposit requirement for
Have recent government mandates affected the repository’s collection development?
If yes, please describe the impact.
A congressional mandate requires NIH funded manuscripts to be deposited, which has enriched the PMC database and
increased its usage.
PMC Repository Metadata
Please indicate which metadata fields are required for deposition of content.
Date published