SPEC Kit 338: Library Management of Disciplinary Repositories · 37
Funding/grant data
Who enters descriptive metadata for repository content? Check all that apply.
See also http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/pub/pubinfo/
How many metadata records does the repository contain? Metadata records are the total number
of records, which include both records that represent digital objects held in the repository and
records that link to materials outside of the repository. An estimate is acceptable.
Over 2.8 million
Please indicate which descriptive tools are used in this repository.
Standardized vocabularies (i.e., LCSH, MeSH, NanoParticle Ontology)
If standardized vocabularies are used, please identify them.
PMC Organizational Structure and Staffing
Please indicate which of the following best describes the organizational structure of the personnel
in your library who administer the disciplinary repository.
A committee/group of staff from two or more departments within the library
Please enter the name of the library department/group that administers the repository, the
number of individuals in the department/group, and the FTE (e.g., Individuals: 3, FTE: 3 or
Individuals: 3, FTE: 2.5).
Department/group name: National Center for Biotechnology Information, Division of Library Operations
Please enter the position title for up to six individuals who administer the repository. Use official
job titles when possible, or “intern,” “volunteer,” etc. If you are reporting on multiple positions
that have varying levels of repository responsibility, please start with the position that has the
most responsibility and work down.
Staffing for PMC is composed of positions ranging from computer scientists to librarians to content specialist. Level of
degrees include BS, MS, and PhD.
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