26 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
We thank you for your participation in this survey, which will be the first systematic look into the issue of library and university
management of disciplinary repositories. Your participation will contribute to the formal documentation of the ways in which libraries
and universities are contributing to the dissemination and management of disciplinary and interdisciplinary research on a national
scale, demonstrating an impact beyond institutional walls.
Does your library/institution administer (host or manage)/support a disciplinary repository? N=55
[Note: There are multiple responses from some responding institutions.]
Yes, the library administers a disciplinary repository 2 4%
Yes, the library supports a disciplinary repository in partnership with another parent institution
5 9%
Yes, the library supports a disciplinary repository in partnership with an institution other than the
6 11%
Yes, our parent institution administers a disciplinary repository 6 11%
Not yet, but the library plans to administer a disciplinary repository 0 0%
No, and there are no plans to administer a disciplinary repository 36 65%
If the library administers a disciplinary repository, please identify the repository and specify the
library department that is responsible for the repository. N=2
AgEcon Search http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/ administered by the University of Minnesota Libraries Research and
Learning division in conjunction with the information technology staff.
PubMed Central (PMC) administered by the National Center for Biotechnology Information at the National Library of
If the library supports a disciplinary repository in partnership with another parent institution
entity, please identify the repository and specify the library and institution departments that are
responsible for the repository. N=5
HABRI Central www.habricentral.org Publishing Services (Purdue University Press and Scholarly Publishing Services).
HABRI Central, though administered by the library, involves a partnership with the College of Veterinary Medicine where
the main PI, Dr. Alan M. Beck, is based.
Industry Studies Working Papers http://isapapers.pitt.edu/ in conjunction with the Industry Studies Association and
the Katz School of Business, University of Pittsburgh
The University of Massachusetts Amherst manages InterNano. The Science and Engineering Library administers it with
the Center for Hierarchical Manufacturing.
The Aphasiology Archive http://aphasiology.pitt.edu Department of Information Technology, University Library
System, University of Pittsburgh AND Department of Communication Science and Disorders, School of Health and
Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Pittsburgh
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