138 · Representative Documents: InterNano
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Baucher, Marie-Ange and Scott, Richard and Cannizzaro, Chris and Standridge, Stacey and Nesbitt, Elizabeth and
Fadel, Tarek. (2013) Symposium on Assessing the Economic Impact of Nanotechnology: Synthesis Report. Project
Report. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Morse, Jeffrey. National Nanomanufacturing Network. (2013) Nanomanufacturing Summit 2013. NNN Newsletter, 6 (6).
Morse, Jeffrey. National Nanomanufacturing Network. (2013) Latest Manufacturing Institutes Compliment
Nanoinformatics and Nanomanufacturing Initiatives. NNN Newsletter, 6 (5).
Rung, Skip and Kadtke, James and Holdridge, Geoff and Johnson, Pat. National Science and Technology Council
Committee on Technology, National Science and Technology Council Subcommittee on Nanoscale Science,
Engineering, and Technology, Oregon Nanoscience and Microtechnologies Institute. (2013) Regional, State, and Local
Initiatives in Nanotechnology: Report of the National Nanotechnology Initiative. Project Report. National
Nanotechnology Initiative.
Morse, Jeffrey. National Nanomanufacturing Network. (2013) Triennial Review of the National Nanotechnology Initiative
Reiterates Need for Information Exchange, Effective Technology Transfer, and Commercialization. NNN Newsletter, 6
Morse, Jeffrey. National Nanomanufacturing Network. (2013) Nanomanufacturing Accelerates Body-Worn Electronic
Monitoring Systems. NNN Newsletter, 6 (3).
Morse, Jeffrey. National Nanomanufacturing Network. (2013) Next Generation Nanotechnology Infrastructure Looking to
Broaden Base. NNN Newsletter, 6 (2).
Morse, Jeffrey. National Nanomanufacturing Network. (2013) EU's Graphene Flagship Initiative: A Public-Private
Partnership of Unprecedented Scale. NNN Newsletter, 6 (1).
Yardley, James T. and Wesler, Jeff. (2012) Workshop on Nanotechnology Infrastructure: Final Report. Project Report.
National Science Foundation. (Unpublished)
Tuominen, Mark T.. (2012) Nanotechnology Training for K12 Science Teachers at the NSEC Center for Hierarchical
Manufacturing. Center for Hierarchical Manufacturing. (Unpublished)
InterNano Nanomanufacturing Library supports OAI 2.0 with a base URL of http://eprints.internano.org/cgi/oai2
This project is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. CMMI-1025020
Center for Hierarchical Manufacturing
InterNano Nanomanufacturing Library is powered by EPrints 3 which is developed by the School of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton. More
information and software credits.
Welcome to InterNano Nanomanufacturing Library
Welcome to InterNano Nanomanufacturing Library -InterNano Nanomanufacturing Library
http://eprints.internano.org/[11/25/13 5:18:22 PM]
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Welcome to InterNano Nanomanufacturing Library
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Latest Additions
Baucher, Marie-Ange and Scott, Richard and Cannizzaro, Chris and Standridge, Stacey and Nesbitt, Elizabeth and
Fadel, Tarek. (2013) Symposium on Assessing the Economic Impact of Nanotechnology: Synthesis Report. Project
Report. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Morse, Jeffrey. National Nanomanufacturing Network. (2013) Nanomanufacturing Summit 2013. NNN Newsletter, 6 (6).
Morse, Jeffrey. National Nanomanufacturing Network. (2013) Latest Manufacturing Institutes Compliment
Nanoinformatics and Nanomanufacturing Initiatives. NNN Newsletter, 6 (5).
Rung, Skip and Kadtke, James and Holdridge, Geoff and Johnson, Pat. National Science and Technology Council
Committee on Technology, National Science and Technology Council Subcommittee on Nanoscale Science,
Engineering, and Technology, Oregon Nanoscience and Microtechnologies Institute. (2013) Regional, State, and Local
Initiatives in Nanotechnology: Report of the National Nanotechnology Initiative. Project Report. National
Nanotechnology Initiative.
Morse, Jeffrey. National Nanomanufacturing Network. (2013) Triennial Review of the National Nanotechnology Initiative
Reiterates Need for Information Exchange, Effective Technology Transfer, and Commercialization. NNN Newsletter, 6
Morse, Jeffrey. National Nanomanufacturing Network. (2013) Nanomanufacturing Accelerates Body-Worn Electronic
Monitoring Systems. NNN Newsletter, 6 (3).
Morse, Jeffrey. National Nanomanufacturing Network. (2013) Next Generation Nanotechnology Infrastructure Looking to
Broaden Base. NNN Newsletter, 6 (2).
Morse, Jeffrey. National Nanomanufacturing Network. (2013) EU's Graphene Flagship Initiative: A Public-Private
Partnership of Unprecedented Scale. NNN Newsletter, 6 (1).
Yardley, James T. and Wesler, Jeff. (2012) Workshop on Nanotechnology Infrastructure: Final Report. Project Report.
National Science Foundation. (Unpublished)
Tuominen, Mark T.. (2012) Nanotechnology Training for K12 Science Teachers at the NSEC Center for Hierarchical
Manufacturing. Center for Hierarchical Manufacturing. (Unpublished)
InterNano Nanomanufacturing Library supports OAI 2.0 with a base URL of http://eprints.internano.org/cgi/oai2
This project is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. CMMI-1025020
Center for Hierarchical Manufacturing
InterNano Nanomanufacturing Library is powered by EPrints 3 which is developed by the School of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton. More
information and software credits.