SPEC Kit 338: Library Management of Disciplinary Repositories · 69
What is the annual expense for the disciplinary repository (including personnel and equipment)?
An estimate is acceptable.
None reported.
Dryad Assessment
Has your library assessed the effectiveness of the repository?
If yes, or you plan to, please indicate the assessment method(s).
Collection and analysis of web usage statistics
User surveys
Interviews with individuals who use the repository
Tracking backlinks
The PhilSci-Archive Description
Please enter a brief description of the disciplinary repository.
The PhilSci-Archive is an electronic archive for preprints in the philosophy of science. It is offered as a free service
to the philosophy of science community. The goal of the archive is to promote communication in the field by the
rapid dissemination of new work. PhilSci-Archive invites submissions in all areas of philosophy of science, including
general philosophy of science, philosophy of particular sciences (physics, biology, chemistry, psychology, etc.), feminist
philosophy of science, socially relevant philosophy of science, history and philosophy of science and history of the
philosophy of science.
Please enter the year this repository launched.
Which subject area(s) does the repository serve?
Philosophy of science, including general philosophy of science, philosophy of particular sciences (physics, biology,
chemistry, psychology, etc.), feminist philosophy of science, socially relevant philosophy of science, history and
philosophy of science and history of the philosophy of science.
Which languages are included in the repository?
English only
What is the annual expense for the disciplinary repository (including personnel and equipment)?
An estimate is acceptable.
None reported.
Dryad Assessment
Has your library assessed the effectiveness of the repository?
If yes, or you plan to, please indicate the assessment method(s).
Collection and analysis of web usage statistics
User surveys
Interviews with individuals who use the repository
Tracking backlinks
The PhilSci-Archive Description
Please enter a brief description of the disciplinary repository.
The PhilSci-Archive is an electronic archive for preprints in the philosophy of science. It is offered as a free service
to the philosophy of science community. The goal of the archive is to promote communication in the field by the
rapid dissemination of new work. PhilSci-Archive invites submissions in all areas of philosophy of science, including
general philosophy of science, philosophy of particular sciences (physics, biology, chemistry, psychology, etc.), feminist
philosophy of science, socially relevant philosophy of science, history and philosophy of science and history of the
philosophy of science.
Please enter the year this repository launched.
Which subject area(s) does the repository serve?
Philosophy of science, including general philosophy of science, philosophy of particular sciences (physics, biology,
chemistry, psychology, etc.), feminist philosophy of science, socially relevant philosophy of science, history and
philosophy of science and history of the philosophy of science.
Which languages are included in the repository?
English only