SPEC Kit 338: Library Management of Disciplinary Repositories ยท 191
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions -Minority Health and Health Equity Archive
http://health-equity.pitt.edu/faq.html[11/26/13 2:48:14 PM]
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About the Archive
Archive Policy
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Minority Health Archive?
The Minority Health Archive, created in collaboration with the Center for Minority Health and the University
Library System at the University of Pittsburgh ,is an online repository of various print and/or electronic
media related to the health of the four nationally recognized racial groups (Blacks/African Americans,
Native Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, and Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders). The Minority Health Archive
provides the opportunity to not only research and gather various documents in a variety of subject areas,
but also a resource to deposit other related materials not already posted to the archive.
Who has access to the Minority Health Archive?
Anyone can access the information in the archive. However, registration is required if one wants to submit
resources to be posted to the archive, or receive automatic e-mails notifying you of new content in the
Archive. To register, from the home page, http://minority-health.pitt.edu, click on the Register link in the
top menu bar. Follow the instructions to fill out the online registration form. You will receive a confirmation
e-mail with a link to follow in order to finalize the registration process.
What kind of information can be included in the Archive?
Materials submitted to the Minority Health Archive must deal with or relate to the health of the minority
racial/ethnic groups in the United States (Black/African American, Native American, Native Hawaiian,
Latino/Hispanic, and Asian American/Pacific Islander). The materials submitted can be about the general
health, current research involving, or health disparities among any of these particular groups as well as
materials related to the major contributors and contributions to the field of minority health.
Materials can include journal articles, web-based materials, government documents, books, book chapters,
conference proceedings, conference papers, course outlines, events/presentations, images, pre-prints,
theses/dissertations, and other materials relevant to our goal.
Can I submit an article or other document to the Archive?
If so, how?
Yes any registered user can submit new documents to the Archive .In order to post a resource,
registration is required. To register, from the home page, http://minority-health.pitt.edu, click on the
Register link in the top menu bar. Follow the instructions to fill out the online registration form. You will
receive a confirmation e-mail with a link to follow in order to finalize the registration process.
To post a resource to the archive, click on the Registered Users Area link. A window will open prompting
you to sign in with a user name and password. If you have not already registered, click on Cancel and then
click on the Register link on the main page. Follow steps mentioned above. Once you have signed in, you
will be taken to your user area homepage, which is denoted with your name at the top of the page. Several
item s appear in your workspace. All links have descriptions below them for you to understand each
purpose. You will also find a blank box entitled ,Documents in your Workspace, with several buttons below
it. This box holds all of the documents that you are working on, but have not submit ted. Below the
Documents in your Workspace box, there is a section called Pending Items. In this area, those documents
that you have submitted for approval will appear here until they has been approved or denied.
To begin posting a new resource, click the New button. You will then be asked to choose the type of media
you are posting. Most are self explanatory, but Journal (Paginated) is the form for journal articles. If the
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions -Minority Health and Health Equity Archive
http://health-equity.pitt.edu/faq.html[11/26/13 2:48:14 PM]
Search &Browse
Simple Search
Advanced Search
Browse by Subject
Browse by Special
Browse by Year
About the Archive
Archive Policy
Contact Us
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Minority Health Archive?
The Minority Health Archive, created in collaboration with the Center for Minority Health and the University
Library System at the University of Pittsburgh ,is an online repository of various print and/or electronic
media related to the health of the four nationally recognized racial groups (Blacks/African Americans,
Native Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, and Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders). The Minority Health Archive
provides the opportunity to not only research and gather various documents in a variety of subject areas,
but also a resource to deposit other related materials not already posted to the archive.
Who has access to the Minority Health Archive?
Anyone can access the information in the archive. However, registration is required if one wants to submit
resources to be posted to the archive, or receive automatic e-mails notifying you of new content in the
Archive. To register, from the home page, http://minority-health.pitt.edu, click on the Register link in the
top menu bar. Follow the instructions to fill out the online registration form. You will receive a confirmation
e-mail with a link to follow in order to finalize the registration process.
What kind of information can be included in the Archive?
Materials submitted to the Minority Health Archive must deal with or relate to the health of the minority
racial/ethnic groups in the United States (Black/African American, Native American, Native Hawaiian,
Latino/Hispanic, and Asian American/Pacific Islander). The materials submitted can be about the general
health, current research involving, or health disparities among any of these particular groups as well as
materials related to the major contributors and contributions to the field of minority health.
Materials can include journal articles, web-based materials, government documents, books, book chapters,
conference proceedings, conference papers, course outlines, events/presentations, images, pre-prints,
theses/dissertations, and other materials relevant to our goal.
Can I submit an article or other document to the Archive?
If so, how?
Yes any registered user can submit new documents to the Archive .In order to post a resource,
registration is required. To register, from the home page, http://minority-health.pitt.edu, click on the
Register link in the top menu bar. Follow the instructions to fill out the online registration form. You will
receive a confirmation e-mail with a link to follow in order to finalize the registration process.
To post a resource to the archive, click on the Registered Users Area link. A window will open prompting
you to sign in with a user name and password. If you have not already registered, click on Cancel and then
click on the Register link on the main page. Follow steps mentioned above. Once you have signed in, you
will be taken to your user area homepage, which is denoted with your name at the top of the page. Several
item s appear in your workspace. All links have descriptions below them for you to understand each
purpose. You will also find a blank box entitled ,Documents in your Workspace, with several buttons below
it. This box holds all of the documents that you are working on, but have not submit ted. Below the
Documents in your Workspace box, there is a section called Pending Items. In this area, those documents
that you have submitted for approval will appear here until they has been approved or denied.
To begin posting a new resource, click the New button. You will then be asked to choose the type of media
you are posting. Most are self explanatory, but Journal (Paginated) is the form for journal articles. If the