SPEC Kit 338: Library Management of Disciplinary Repositories · 81
The AEI Repository Origins
What were the motivating factors that led to the creation of a repository in this field/on this
A desire to centralize distributed research
A desire to alleviate barriers to accessing literature or other resources within the discipline
A desire to increase visibility of the discipline’s scholarship
A call from the community to build a centralized resource
Which planning activities did you complete before launching this repository?
None reported.
The AEI Repository Audience
Who is the primary audience of this repository?
Non-profit workers
General public
Do you have a sense of how large the repository’s primary audience might be?
To the extent possible, please estimate what percentage of your primary audience contributes to
the repository.
None reported.
The AEI Repository Content
What strategies are used to recruit content for the repository?
Submissions are moderated by repository staff to make sure they are within the scope of the resource.
Submissions are arranged through formal arrangements with research centers.
The repository staff create content.
Which content types are accepted in the repository?
None reported.
The AEI Repository Origins
What were the motivating factors that led to the creation of a repository in this field/on this
A desire to centralize distributed research
A desire to alleviate barriers to accessing literature or other resources within the discipline
A desire to increase visibility of the discipline’s scholarship
A call from the community to build a centralized resource
Which planning activities did you complete before launching this repository?
None reported.
The AEI Repository Audience
Who is the primary audience of this repository?
Non-profit workers
General public
Do you have a sense of how large the repository’s primary audience might be?
To the extent possible, please estimate what percentage of your primary audience contributes to
the repository.
None reported.
The AEI Repository Content
What strategies are used to recruit content for the repository?
Submissions are moderated by repository staff to make sure they are within the scope of the resource.
Submissions are arranged through formal arrangements with research centers.
The repository staff create content.
Which content types are accepted in the repository?
None reported.