SPEC Kit 338: Library Management of Disciplinary Repositories · 63
Does the current funding model appear to be sustainable?
Is there a sustainability plan for the repository?
What is the annual expense for the disciplinary repository (including personnel and equipment)?
An estimate is acceptable.
None reported.
The Aphasiology Archive Assessment
Has your library assessed the effectiveness of the repository?
No, and we have no plans to.
Dryad Repository Description
Please enter a brief description of the disciplinary repository.
Dryad is a curated general-purpose repository that makes the data underlying scientific publications discoverable, freely
reusable, and citable. Any journal or publisher that wishes to encourage data archiving may refer authors to Dryad.
Dryad welcomes data submissions related to any published, or accepted, peer reviewed scientific and medical literature,
particularly data for which no specialized repository exists.
Please enter the year this repository launched.
Which subject area(s) does the repository serve?
Evolutionary Biology and Ecology
Which languages are included in the repository?
English only
Which software does the repository use?
Software was developed for the repository.
Does the current funding model appear to be sustainable?
Is there a sustainability plan for the repository?
What is the annual expense for the disciplinary repository (including personnel and equipment)?
An estimate is acceptable.
None reported.
The Aphasiology Archive Assessment
Has your library assessed the effectiveness of the repository?
No, and we have no plans to.
Dryad Repository Description
Please enter a brief description of the disciplinary repository.
Dryad is a curated general-purpose repository that makes the data underlying scientific publications discoverable, freely
reusable, and citable. Any journal or publisher that wishes to encourage data archiving may refer authors to Dryad.
Dryad welcomes data submissions related to any published, or accepted, peer reviewed scientific and medical literature,
particularly data for which no specialized repository exists.
Please enter the year this repository launched.
Which subject area(s) does the repository serve?
Evolutionary Biology and Ecology
Which languages are included in the repository?
English only
Which software does the repository use?
Software was developed for the repository.