172 · Representative Documents: RIIC-4MMDP
Welcome to Resources in Integrated Care for Morbidity Management and Disability Prevention
Welcome to Resources in Integrated Care (RIIC) for Morbidity Management and Disability Prevention (4MMDP) -Resources in Integrated Care (RIIC) for Morbidity Management and Disability Preventio...
http://archive4limbcare.org/[11/26/13 11:17:57 AM]
self-care groups
community-based rehabilitation
prevention of disability committees
stigma reduction activities, etc.
Supportive strategies to strengthen community engagement and improve the sustainability of community-based
vocational or occupational training
leadership training for youth
community development programs, etc.
empowerment activities, etc.
Capacity building across the continuum of care
MMDP curricula
training for health care workers at the referral level
information and communication technology (mHealth), etc.
Role of the Editorial Team
The RIIC-4MMDP editorial team is made up of either individual content experts and/or individuals that provide a
conduit for content experts from one or more of the fields in the defined subject areas. These larger groups are
generally comprised of disease-specific or intervention-specific organizations. Thus, the editorial team is made up of
committed individuals who contribute significantly to the repository in terms of the volume and the quality of material
and/or ensure such contributions for a larger group of stakeholders. In achieving this goal, editorial team members
commit to providing staff/students to deposit materials and supervise the process.
Because the editorial team is largely responsible for the content of the RIIC-4MMDP, members are responsible not only
for contributions from defined subject areas but encourage contributions from the MMDP community at large.
Therefore, the editorial team promotes RIIC-4MMDP at meetings, conferences, and symposia, in related journals and
through interactions with the wider MMDP community. The editorial team provides leadership in the use of the
repository as a resource for countries and provides feedback on the usability of the repository for continuous quality
It is not within the scope of editorial team members to evaluate the quality or scientific merit of a creative work.
Editorial team members, or the content experts they represent, review and control deposited material to assure
quality, relevance, and usability of the materials. They review to assure that:
Submitted material has been correctly coded for submission (e.g. type of work, published vs. unpublished, etc.)
Permission has been obtained (if required)
Submitted materials meet the content specifications in terms of relevance and usability
Editorial Team (TBD)
Represent the following disease/condition-specific groups (TBD)
Buruli Ulcer
FB Trematode
Guinea worm
H Afro Trypanosomiasis
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