94 · Survey Results: Survey Questions And Responses
38. If yes, what engagement activities does special collections target to unaffiliated researchers? Check
all that apply. N=63
Exhibits 58 92%
Events 56 89%
Instruction 28 44%
Other activity 29 46%
Please describe the other activity.
Articles, presentations at professional conferences, symposia.
Attend society meetings/events (RBSC). Library Development Office: Word on the Street booth, library conferences,
door prizes from Vault, online gallery (Vault), card sets/bookmarks feature images from special collections with
descriptions/library collection.
Based on past use and/or knowledge of research focus, we will e-mail, call, write, etc. when we acquire new materials
that may be of interest.
Depends on what “target” means: we rarely direct efforts _specifically_ at “unaffiliated researchers,” but we are
a public institution that serves at least a state-wide clientele and indeed an international one. In most outreach
activities, we tend not to consciously identify and favor one (potential) group of readers over another (e.g., in creating
finding aids, participating in listservs and other online communities, proposing publications, and so on).
Friends of the Libraries offer a minimum of four grants-in-aid annually, each one month in duration, for research in the
humanities in any field appropriate to the collections. The purpose is to foster the high-level use of the Libraries’ rich
holdings, and to make them better known and more accessible to a wider circle of scholars. We also lend materials for
exhibit elsewhere (and for research consultation at other special collections), and offer liberal (usually free) digitizing
services for our materials. We also participate in large-scale digitization efforts, including the Google Book Project.
Librarians make conference presentations about our holdings California Digital Library-hosted digital archives such as
Callisphere are targeted to unaffiliated researchers unaffiliated researchers are invited to view both virtual and physical
On-line reference service through SC Web site link.
Online outreach, e.g., online exhibits, blog, Flickr.
Our online finding aids are also hosted on our provincial union list and are easily accessible (usually the third or fourth
hit on a Google search by creator name) in html and PDF formats.
Participation in conferences.
Presentations and behind-the-scenes tours.
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